path: root/tests
AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2022-10-14tests/extmod: Add test for sleep_ms value that overflows ticks.Damien George
2022-10-14extmod/utime_mphal: Make ticks_add check for overflow of delta.Damien George
2022-10-11unix: Enable sys.executable.Jim Mussared
2022-09-26py/objstr: Don't treat bytes as unicode in str.count.Jim Mussared
2022-09-23py/parse: Allow const types other than int to optimise as true/false.Angus Gratton
2022-09-23tests: Allow 'special' tests to output "SKIP" on a single line.Angus Gratton
2022-09-20tests/run-multitests: Make paths more deterministic.Andrew Leech
2022-09-20tests/run-multitests: Extend usage information.Andrew Leech
2022-09-19unix/variants/coverage: Add test for manifest freeze_mpy().Jim Mussared
2022-09-19tests/frozen: Move frozentest.mpy from ports/ to tests/.Jim Mussared
2022-09-19extmod/vfs_posix_file: Implement finaliser for files.stijn
2022-09-19py/objmodule: Add support for __dict__.Jim Mussared
2022-09-19py/persistentcode: Introduce .mpy sub-version.Jim Mussared
2022-09-19py/obj: Merge getiter and iternext mp_obj_type_t slots.Jim Mussared
2022-09-13tests/extmod/uasyncio_heaplock.py: Force SKIP on stackless.Jim Mussared
2022-09-13extmod/vfs: Add finaliser to ilistdir to close directory handle.Andrew Leech
2022-09-06extmod/modure: Convert byte offsets to unicode indices when necessary.Jeff Epler
2022-08-31tests/renesas-ra: Update pin test to support all boards.Takeo Takahashi
2022-08-26tests/unicode: Add test for invalid utf-8 file contents.Jim Mussared
2022-08-19extmod/modframebuf: Improve poly-fill boundary pixels.Jim Mussared
2022-08-19extmod/modframebuf: Add polygon drawing methods.Mat Booth
2022-08-19extmod/modframebuf: Add ellipse drawing method.Peter Hinch
2022-08-18tests,tools: Update path to unix micropython executable.Damien George
2022-08-12py/formatfloat: Use pow(10, e) instead of pos/neg_pow lookup tables.Dan Ellis
2022-08-12extmod/uasyncio: Add clear method to ThreadSafeFlag.Ned Konz
2022-08-12tests/extmod/ubinascii: Add tests for bytes.hex etc.Jim Mussared
2022-08-11py/objstr: Consolidate methods for str/bytes/bytearray/array.Andrew Leech
2022-08-11unix/variants: Remove variant suffix from executable filename.Damien George
2022-08-11tests/run-tests.py: Provide better default MPYCROSS value for Windows.Daniel Jour
2022-08-11all: Fix paths to mpy-cross and micropython binaries.Daniel Jour
2022-08-06py/runtime: Fix crash in star arg unpacking.David Lechner
2022-07-29tests/cpydiff: Fix formatting of code snippet to use double quotes.Damien George
2022-07-26py/formatfloat: Format all whole-number floats exactly.Dan Ellis
2022-07-26extmod/uasyncio: Handle gather with no awaitables.Jim Mussared
2022-07-26py/modio: Remove FileIO and TextIOWrapper from io module.Jim Mussared
2022-07-26py/compile: Support large integers in inline-asm data directive.Damien George
2022-07-25py/obj: Make mp_obj_get_complex_maybe call mp_obj_get_float_maybe first.Damien George
2022-07-25py/obj: Add support for __float__ and __complex__ functions.Andrew Leech
2022-07-20extmod/modussl_mbedtls: Implement cert_reqs and cadata arguments.Carlosgg
2022-07-18tests/extmod/ussl_basic: Make test run on axtls and mbedtls.Damien George
2022-07-13py/objnamedtuple: Fix segfault with empty namedtuple.Lars Haulin
2022-07-12py/emitnative: Fix STORE_ATTR viper code-gen when value is not a pyobj.Jim Mussared
2022-06-29tests/micropython: Add test for builtin execfile() function.Damien George
2022-06-28tests: Fix run-perfbench parsing "no matching params" case.Angus Gratton
2022-06-28tests: Add an explanation of run-perfbench.py.Angus Gratton
2022-06-28tests/perf_bench: Add some configurations for N=32, M=10.Angus Gratton
2022-06-25py/objfun: Support function attributes on native functions.Damien George
2022-06-24tests/basics: Add tests for __name__ and __globals__ attrs on closures.Damien George
2022-06-24extmod/uasyncio: Implement stream read(-1) to read all data up to EOF.Damien George
2022-06-24tests/extmod: Add heap-lock test for stream writing.Damien George