path: root/lt-qcom-ubuntu-images.yaml
diff options
authorArthur She <arthur.she@linaro.org>2014-12-22 11:05:50 -0800
committerArthur She <arthur.she@linaro.org>2014-12-22 11:05:50 -0800
commit4a8a83f0c2ac70cf966220c8008b131ef3e45ffe (patch)
tree08e9d10bfb5b5384d41126edd04696e539682a8b /lt-qcom-ubuntu-images.yaml
Diffstat (limited to 'lt-qcom-ubuntu-images.yaml')
1 files changed, 206 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/lt-qcom-ubuntu-images.yaml b/lt-qcom-ubuntu-images.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e5cfb42
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lt-qcom-ubuntu-images.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,206 @@
+- job:
+ name: lt-qcom-ubuntu-images
+ project-type: freestyle
+ defaults: global
+ logrotate:
+ daysToKeep: 30
+ numToKeep: 30
+ properties:
+ - authorization:
+ anonymous:
+ - job-read
+ - job-extended-read
+ - job-workspace
+ parameters:
+ - password:
+ default: ${PUBLISH_KEY}
+ - file:
+ name: lt-qcom-ubuntu-images_parameters
+ - string:
+ default: 'utopic'
+ - string:
+ default: 'qcom-snapdragon'
+ - string:
+ name: ROOTFS
+ default: 'developer gnome'
+ disabled: false
+ node: precise_cloud
+ display-name: 'Qualcomm Ubuntu based images'
+ wrappers:
+ - timestamps
+ - copy-to-slave:
+ includes:
+ - linaro-cp.py
+ relative-to: userContent
+ builders:
+ - copyartifact:
+ project: LT-QCOM-working-tree
+ flatten: true
+ optional: true
+ - shell: |
+ #!/bin/bash
+ set -e
+ trap cleanup_exit INT TERM EXIT
+ cleanup_exit()
+ {
+ # sudo rm -rf binary out qcom-firmware
+ rm -f linaro-${UBUNTU_FLAVOUR}-*.tar.gz *.dtb *.deb
+ }
+ sudo rm -rf binary out qcom-firmware initrd.img-*
+ # added KERNEL_FLAVOUR to filter out -dbg package when CONFIG_DEBUG_INFO is set
+ linux_image=`ls linux-image-*-linaro-${KERNEL_FLAVOUR}_*-linaro-${KERNEL_FLAVOUR}-*.deb`
+ version=`date +%Y%m%d`-${BUILD_NUMBER}
+ cat > README.txt << EOF
+ This build is using artifacts from the following builds:
+ Kernel build: ${KERNEL_BUILD_JENKINS}
+ for rootfs in ${ROOTFS}; do
+ # Remove artifacts from previous builds
+ sudo rm -f linaro-${UBUNTU_FLAVOUR}-${rootfs}*
+ sudo rm -rf binary
+ # Get rootfs
+ export ROOTFS_BUILD_NUMBER=`wget -q --no-check-certificate -O - https://ci.linaro.org/jenkins/job/ubuntu-armhf-rootfs/label=build,rootfs=${rootfs}/lastSuccessfulBuild/buildNumber`
+ export ROOTFS_BUILD_TIMESTAMP=`wget -q --no-check-certificate -O - https://ci.linaro.org/jenkins/job/ubuntu-armhf-rootfs/label=build,rootfs=${rootfs}/lastSuccessfulBuild/buildTimestamp?format=yyyyMMdd`
+ export ROOTS_BUILD_URL="http://snapshots.linaro.org/ubuntu/images/${rootfs}/${ROOTFS_BUILD_NUMBER}/linaro-${UBUNTU_FLAVOUR}-${rootfs}-${ROOTFS_BUILD_TIMESTAMP}-${ROOTFS_BUILD_NUMBER}.tar.gz"
+ wget --progress=dot -e dotbytes=2M ${ROOTS_BUILD_URL} -O linaro-${UBUNTU_FLAVOUR}-${rootfs}.tar.gz
+ case "${rootfs}" in
+ developer)
+ # Create initrd using the -developer rootfs
+ # once initrd is finished, we clean up to avoid left-over from schroot
+ sudo tar --numeric-owner -zxf linaro-${UBUNTU_FLAVOUR}-${rootfs}.tar.gz
+ sudo cp -a ${linux_image} binary/
+ schroot -c ifc6410-lt -d / -u root -- dpkg -i ${linux_image}
+ cp -a binary/boot/initrd.img-* .
+ sudo rm -rf binary
+ ;;
+ esac
+ # now, we are ready to make the final rootfs
+ sudo tar --numeric-owner -zxf linaro-${UBUNTU_FLAVOUR}-${rootfs}.tar.gz
+ # for both -dev and -gnome, other in -gnome date is not correct at boot. probably an
+ # issue to investigate with ntp/ntpdate/network-manager
+ cat << EOF | sudo tee -a binary/etc/network/interfaces
+ auto lo
+ iface lo inet loopback
+ auto eth0
+ iface eth0 inet dhcp
+ # Inject kernel modules
+ sudo dpkg-deb -x ${linux_image} binary/
+ sudo find binary/boot -type f -delete
+ sudo rm -f binary/linux-image-*.deb
+ sudo rm -rf binary/dev
+ sudo mkdir binary/dev
+ sudo mkdir -p binary/lib/firmware
+ cat << EOF | sudo tee -a binary/etc/fstab
+ LABEL=qcom-firmware /lib/firmware ext4 defaults 0 0
+ # Generate sparse image to reduce .img file size
+ sudo make_ext4fs -o -L rootfs -l 2G -s linaro-${UBUNTU_FLAVOUR}-${rootfs}-${PLATFORM_NAME}-${version}.img binary/
+ gzip -9 linaro-${UBUNTU_FLAVOUR}-${rootfs}-${PLATFORM_NAME}-${version}.img
+ cat >> README.txt << EOF
+ Linaro Ubuntu ${rootfs} build: http://snapshots.linaro.org/ubuntu/images/${rootfs}/${ROOTFS_BUILD_NUMBER}
+ done
+ # create the boot partition
+ cat > bootimg.cfg << EOF
+ bootsize = 0x900000
+ pagesize = 0x800
+ kerneladdr = 0x80208000
+ ramdiskaddr = 0x83000000
+ secondaddr = 0x81100000
+ tagsaddr = 0x80200100
+ name = linaro-${PLATFORM_NAME}
+ cmdline = console=tty0 console=${KERNEL_SERIAL_CONSOLE} root=/dev/mmcblk0p13 rootwait rw text
+ # create one boot image for each DTB we have around, since we need to append DTB to zImage
+ # fixup.bin used to fixup loader to boot mainline on Qualcomm platforms that needs adjustment of
+ for f in `find . -maxdepth 1 -name '*.dtb' -print` ; do
+ target=`basename $f .dtb`
+ if [ -f fixup-$target.bin ]; then
+ cat fixup-$target.bin zImage $f > zImage-dtb
+ else
+ cat zImage $f > zImage-dtb
+ fi
+ abootimg --create boot-${target}-${PLATFORM_NAME}-${version}.img -f bootimg.cfg -k zImage-dtb -r initrd.img-*
+ gzip -9 boot-${target}-${PLATFORM_NAME}-${version}.img
+ done
+ # create an empty partition, placeholder for proprietary firmware
+ # do no create sparse file, so that the file can be easily loop mounted
+ rm -rf qcom-firmware firmware-${PLATFORM_NAME}.img
+ fakeroot mkdir qcom-firmware
+ fakeroot make_ext4fs -L qcom-firmware -l 64M firmware-${PLATFORM_NAME}-${version}.img qcom-firmware/
+ gzip -9 firmware-${PLATFORM_NAME}-${version}.img
+ # Publish to snapshots
+ mkdir out
+ sudo mv *.cfg *.img.gz *.deb zImage kernel_config README.txt `find . -maxdepth 1 -name 'fixup-*.bin' -print` out/
+ # create MD5SUMS file
+ (cd out && md5sum * > MD5SUMS.txt)
+ python ${WORKSPACE}/linaro-cp.py out ubuntu/pre-built/snapdragon/${BUILD_NUMBER}
+ - shell: |
+ VERSION=`date +%Y%m%d`-${BUILD_NUMBER}
+ export BOOT_URL=${BUILD_URL}/artifact/out/boot-qcom-apq8064-ifc6410-${PLATFORM_NAME}-${VERSION}.img.gz
+ export DATA_URL=${BUILD_URL}/artifact/out/linaro-${UBUNTU_FLAVOUR}-developer-${PLATFORM_NAME}-${VERSION}.img.gz
+ export SYSTEM_URL=${BUILD_URL}/artifact/out/firmware-${PLATFORM_NAME}-${VERSION}.img.gz
+ export DEVICE_TYPE=ifc6410
+ export BUNDLE_STREAM_NAME=/public/team/linaro/lt-qualcomm/
+ export LAVA_SERVER=validation.linaro.org/RPC2/
+ rm -rf configs lci-build-tools
+ git clone --depth 1 http://git.linaro.org/ci/lci-build-tools.git
+ git clone --depth 1 http://git.linaro.org/ci/job/configs.git
+ ./lci-build-tools/yaml-to-json.py configs/lt-qcom-ubuntu-images/lava-job-definitions/${DEVICE_TYPE}/template.yaml > custom_lava_job_definition.json
+ cat << EOF > post_build_lava_parameters
+ CUSTOM_JSON_URL=${JOB_URL}/ws/custom_lava_job_definition.json
+ - trigger-builds:
+ - project: 'post-build-lava'
+ property-file: post_build_lava_parameters
+ publishers:
+ - archive:
+ artifacts: 'out/*'
+ latest-only: true
+ - email:
+ recipients: 'nicolas.dechesne@linaro.org fathi.boudra@linaro.org'
+ - ircbot:
+ channels:
+ - name: '#linaro-lt-qcomm'
+ password: ${LT_QCOM_KEY}