path: root/bugzilla_create.py
diff options
authorcpettet <rush@wikimedia.org>2014-08-21 02:01:37 +0000
committercpettet <rush@wikimedia.org>2014-08-21 02:01:37 +0000
commit3f65f1af255664f3bca87dd8525409836315200c (patch)
tree749187120a6ea42668c69aef1be1b033a9aec3bf /bugzilla_create.py
parentd0225c079b72d1b1d95415ae2a415cb3f930e192 (diff)
lib cleanup
why don't you work attachmetns for bugzilla?
Diffstat (limited to 'bugzilla_create.py')
1 files changed, 253 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/bugzilla_create.py b/bugzilla_create.py
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..ea5368b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bugzilla_create.py
@@ -0,0 +1,253 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+2014 Chase Pettet
+This script is a WIP for getting Bugzilla information
+with the end goal of it living in phabricator
+import yaml
+import ast
+import base64
+import json
+import sys
+import xmlrpclib
+import os
+import MySQLdb
+from wmfphablib import phdb
+from wmfphablib import mailinglist_phid
+from wmfphablib import set_project_icon
+from wmfphablib import phabdb
+from wmfphablib import Phab
+from wmfphablib import log
+from wmfphablib import bzlib
+from wmfphablib import datetime_to_epoch
+from wmfphablib import epoch_to_datetime
+from email.parser import Parser
+import ConfigParser
+def main(bugid):
+ parser = ConfigParser.SafeConfigParser()
+ parser_mode = 'phab'
+ parser.read('/etc/gz_fetch.conf')
+ phab = Phab(user=parser.get(parser_mode, 'username'),
+ cert=parser.get(parser_mode, 'certificate'),
+ host=parser.get(parser_mode, 'host'))
+ parser_mode = 'bz'
+ server = xmlrpclib.ServerProxy(parser.get(parser_mode, 'url'), use_datetime=True)
+ bzdata= open("data/bugzilla.yaml", 'r')
+ bzdata_yaml = yaml.load(bzdata)
+ tag_keys = bzdata_yaml['keywords_to_tags'].split(' ')
+ mlists = bzdata_yaml['assigned_to_lists'].split(' ')
+ log("Mailinglists: " + str(mlists))
+ #http://www.bugzilla.org/docs/tip/en/html/api/Bugzilla/WebService/Bug.html#attachments
+ kwargs = { 'ids': [bugid],
+ 'Bugzilla_login': parser.get(parser_mode, 'Bugzilla_login'),
+ 'Bugzilla_password': parser.get(parser_mode, 'Bugzilla_password')}
+ attached = server.Bug.attachments(kwargs)['bugs'][bugid]
+ #process ticket uploads to map attach id to phab file id
+ uploads = {}
+ print len(attached)
+ for a in attached:
+ if a['is_private']:
+ continue
+ upload = phab.upload_file(a['file_name'], str(a['data']))
+ a['phid'] = upload['phid']
+ a['name'] = upload['name']
+ a['objectName'] = upload['objectName']
+ print 'aid', a['id']
+ print a['phid'], a['name'], a['objectName']
+ uploads[a['id']] = a
+ print uploads
+ exit()
+ log('Attachment count: ' + str(len(uploads.keys())))
+ pmig = phdb()
+ bugid, import_priority, buginfo, com = pmig.sql_x("SELECT * FROM bugzilla_meta WHERE id = %s",
+ (bugid,))
+ pmig.close()
+ buginfo = json.loads(buginfo)
+ com = json.loads(com)
+ bugid = int(bugid)
+ log(bugid)
+ log(buginfo)
+ #list of projects to add to ticket
+ ptags = []
+ #mask emails for public consumption
+ buginfo['cc'] = [c.split('@')[0] for c in buginfo['cc']]
+ # Convert bugzilla source to phabricator
+ buginfo['status'] = bzlib.status_convert(buginfo['status'])
+ buginfo['priority'] = bzlib.priority_convert(buginfo['priority'])
+ with open('dump', 'w') as d:
+ d.write(str(json.dumps(buginfo)))
+ if buginfo['status'].lower() == 'patch_to_review':
+ ptags.append(('patch_to_review', 'tag', 'green'))
+ if buginfo['status'] == 'verified':
+ ptags.append(('verified', 'tag'))
+ if buginfo['cf_browser'] not in ['---', "Other"]:
+ log('Adding browser tag: %s' % (buginfo['cf_browser'],))
+ ptags.append((buginfo['cf_browser'], 'tag'))
+ if buginfo['target_milestone'] != '---':
+ log('Creating milestone: %s' % (buginfo['target_milestone'],))
+ ptags.append((buginfo['target_milestone'], 'truck'))
+ # This value must match the security enforcer extension
+ # And the relevant herald rule must be in place.
+ if buginfo["product"] == 'Security':
+ buginfo["secstate"] = 'security-bug'
+ else:
+ buginfo["secstate"] = 'none'
+ component_separator = '-'
+ buginfo["product"] = buginfo["product"].replace('-', '_')
+ buginfo["product"] = buginfo["product"].replace(' ', '_')
+ buginfo["component"] = buginfo["component"].replace('/', '_and_')
+ buginfo["component"] = buginfo["component"].replace('-', '_')
+ buginfo["component"] = buginfo["component"].replace(' ', '_')
+ project = "%s%s%s" % (buginfo["product"],
+ component_separator,
+ buginfo["component"])
+ buginfo['project'] = project
+ log(buginfo['project'])
+ ptags.append((buginfo['project'], None))
+ title = buginfo['summary']
+ clean_com = []
+ for c in com:
+ if not isinstance(c, dict):
+ c = ast.literal_eval(c)
+ clean_c = {}
+ clean_c['author'] = c['author'].split('@')[0]
+ clean_c['creation_time'] = str(c['creation_time'])
+ if c['author'] != c['creator']:
+ clean_c['creator'] = c['creator'].split('@')[0]
+ if c['count'] == 0:
+ clean_c['bug_id'] = c['bug_id']
+ if c['is_private']:
+ c['text'] = '_hidden_'
+ attachment = bzlib.find_attachment_in_comment(c['text'])
+ print type(attachment)
+ print 'attach', attachment
+ if attachment:
+ fmt_text = []
+ text = c['text'].splitlines()
+ for t in text:
+ if not t.startswith('Created attachment'):
+ fmt_text.append(t)
+ c['text'] = '\n'.join(fmt_text)
+ clean_c['attachment'] = attachment
+ clean_c['text'] = c['text']
+ clean_com.append(clean_c)
+ log('project: ' + buginfo['project'])
+ # strip out comment 0 as description
+ description = clean_com[0]
+ del clean_com[0]
+ created = epoch_to_datetime(description['creation_time'])
+ desc_block = "**Created**: `%s`\n\n**Author:** `%s`\n\n**Description:**\n%s\n" % (created,
+ description['author'],
+ description['text'])
+ desc_tail = '--------------------------'
+ desc_tail += "\n**URL**: %s" % (buginfo['url'].lower() or 'none')
+ desc_tail += "\n**Version**: %s" % (buginfo['version'].lower())
+ desc_tail += "\n**See Also**: %s" % ('\n'.join(buginfo['see_also']).lower() or 'none')
+ if 'alias' in buginfo:
+ desc_tail += "\n**Alias**: %s" % (buginfo['alias'])
+ if buginfo["cf_platform"] != "---":
+ desc_tail += "\n**Mobile Platform**: %s" % (buginfo["cf_platform"])
+ if "rep_platform" in buginfo and buginfo['op_sys'] != 'All':
+ desc_tail += "\n**Hardware/OS**: %s/%s" % (buginfo["rep_platform"], buginfo['op_sys'])
+ else:
+ desc_tail += "\n**Hardware/OS**: %s/%s" % ('unknown', 'unknown')
+ full_description = desc_block + '\n' + desc_tail
+ keys = buginfo['keywords']
+ for k in keys:
+ if k in tag_keys:
+ ptags.append((k, 'tags'))
+ phids = []
+ for p in ptags:
+ phids.append(phab.ensure_project(p[0]))
+ if p[1] is not None:
+ if len(p) > 2:
+ color = p[2]
+ else:
+ color = 'blue'
+ log("Setting project %s icon to %s" % (p[0], p[1]))
+ set_project_icon(p[0], icon=p[1], color=color)
+ log("ptags: " + str(ptags))
+ log("phids: " + str(phids))
+ #buginfo'assigned_to': u'wikibugs-l@lists.wikimedia.org'
+ assignee = buginfo['assigned_to']
+ ccphids = []
+ if assignee in mlists:
+ ccphids.append(mailinglist_phid(assignee))
+ log("Ticket Info: %s" % (desc_block,))
+ ticket = phab.task_create(title,
+ full_description,
+ description['bug_id'],
+ buginfo['priority'],
+ buginfo["secstate"],
+ ccPHIDs=ccphids,
+ projects=phids)
+ comment_block = "**%s** `%s` \n\n %s"
+ for c in clean_com:
+ log('-------------------------------------')
+ created = epoch_to_datetime(c['creation_time'])
+ comment_body = "**%s** wrote on `%s`\n\n%s" % (c['author'], created, c['text'])
+ print c
+ if 'attachment' in c:
+ cattached = uploads[int(c['attachment'])]
+ comment_body += "\n\n**Attached**: {%s}" % (cattached['objectName'])
+ phab.task_comment(ticket['id'], comment_body)
+ log(str(ticket['id']) + str(buginfo['status']))
+ if buginfo['status'] != 'open':
+ phab.task_comment(ticket['id'], '//importing issue status//')
+ phab.set_status(ticket['id'], buginfo['status'])
+if sys.stdin.isatty():
+ bugs = sys.argv[1:]
+ bugs = sys.stdin.read().strip('\n').strip().split()
+for i in bugs:
+ if i.isdigit():
+ main(i)