path: root/bz_populate_user_relations_table.py
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'bz_populate_user_relations_table.py')
1 files changed, 165 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/bz_populate_user_relations_table.py b/bz_populate_user_relations_table.py
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..732b149
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bz_populate_user_relations_table.py
@@ -0,0 +1,165 @@
+import time
+import json
+import multiprocessing
+import sys
+import collections
+from phabricator import Phabricator
+from wmfphablib import Phab as phabmacros
+from wmfphablib import phabdb
+from wmfphablib import log
+from wmfphablib import vlog
+from wmfphablib import epoch_to_datetime
+from wmfphablib import ipriority
+from wmfphablib import get_config_file
+from wmfphablib import now
+from wmfphablib import return_bug_list
+import ConfigParser
+configfile = get_config_file()
+def fetch(fabid):
+ ausers = {}
+ pmig = phabdb.phdb(db=config.bzmigrate_db)
+ issue = pmig.sql_x("SELECT id FROM bugzilla_meta WHERE id = %s", fabid)
+ if not issue:
+ log('issue %s does not exist for user population' % (fabid,))
+ return True
+ fpriority= pmig.sql_x("SELECT priority FROM bugzilla_meta WHERE id = %s", fabid)
+ if fpriority[0] == ipriority['fetch_failed']:
+ log('issue %s does not fetched successfully for user population (failed fetch)' % (fabid,))
+ return True
+ tid, import_priority, jheader, com, created, modified = pmig.sql_x("SELECT * FROM bugzilla_meta WHERE id = %s", fabid)
+ header = json.loads(jheader)
+ vlog(str(header))
+ relations = {}
+ relations['author'] = header['xauthor']
+ relations['cc'] = header['xccs']
+ relations['owner'] = header['xowner']
+ for k, v in relations.iteritems():
+ if relations[k]:
+ relations[k] = filter(bool, v)
+ def add_owner(owner):
+ ouser = pmig.sql_x("SELECT user FROM user_relations WHERE user = %s", (owner,))
+ if ouser:
+ jassigned = pmig.sql_x("SELECT assigned FROM user_relations WHERE user = %s", (owner,))
+ if jassigned[0]:
+ assigned = json.loads(jassigned[0])
+ else:
+ assigned = []
+ if fabid not in assigned:
+ log("Assigning %s to %s" % (str(fabid), owner))
+ assigned.append(fabid)
+ vlog("owner %s" % (str(assigned),))
+ pmig.sql_x("UPDATE user_relations SET assigned=%s, modified=%s WHERE user = %s", (json.dumps(assigned),
+ now(),
+ owner))
+ else:
+ vlog('inserting new record')
+ assigned = json.dumps([fabid])
+ insert_values = (owner,
+ assigned,
+ now(),
+ now())
+ pmig.sql_x("INSERT INTO user_relations (user, assigned, created, modified) VALUES (%s, %s, %s, %s)",
+ insert_values)
+ def add_author(author):
+ euser = pmig.sql_x("SELECT user FROM user_relations WHERE user = %s", (relations['author'],))
+ if euser:
+ jauthored = pmig.sql_x("SELECT author FROM user_relations WHERE user = %s", (relations['author'],))
+ if jauthored[0]:
+ authored = json.loads(jauthored[0])
+ else:
+ authored = []
+ if fabid not in authored:
+ authored.append(fabid)
+ vlog("author %s" % (str(authored),))
+ pmig.sql_x("UPDATE user_relations SET author=%s, modified=%s WHERE user = %s", (json.dumps(authored),
+ now(),
+ relations['author']))
+ else:
+ vlog('inserting new record')
+ authored = json.dumps([fabid])
+ insert_values = (relations['author'],
+ authored,
+ now(),
+ now())
+ pmig.sql_x("INSERT INTO user_relations (user, author, created, modified) VALUES (%s, %s, %s, %s)",
+ insert_values)
+ def add_cc(ccuser):
+ eccuser = pmig.sql_x("SELECT user FROM user_relations WHERE user = %s", (ccuser,))
+ if eccuser:
+ jcc = pmig.sql_x("SELECT cc FROM user_relations WHERE user = %s", (ccuser,))
+ if jcc[0]:
+ cc = json.loads(jcc[0])
+ else:
+ cc = []
+ if fabid not in cc:
+ cc.append(fabid)
+ vlog("cc %s" % (str(cc),))
+ pmig.sql_x("UPDATE user_relations SET cc=%s, modified=%s WHERE user = %s", (json.dumps(cc),
+ now(),
+ ccuser))
+ else:
+ vlog('inserting new record')
+ cc = json.dumps([fabid])
+ insert_values = (ccuser,
+ cc,
+ now(),
+ now())
+ pmig.sql_x("INSERT INTO user_relations (user, cc, created, modified) VALUES (%s, %s, %s, %s)",
+ insert_values)
+ if relations['author']:
+ add_author(relations['author'])
+ if relations['owner']:
+ add_owner(relations['owner'])
+ if relations['cc']:
+ for u in filter(bool, relations['cc']):
+ add_cc(u)
+ pmig.close()
+ return True
+def run_fetch(fabid, tries=1):
+ if tries == 0:
+ log('failed to populate for %s' % (fabid,))
+ return False
+ try:
+ if fetch(fabid):
+ vlog(str(time.time()))
+ log('done with %s' % (fabid,))
+ return True
+ except Exception as e:
+ import traceback
+ tries -= 1
+ time.sleep(5)
+ traceback.print_exc(file=sys.stdout)
+ log('failed to grab %s (%s)' % (fabid, e))
+ return run_fetch(fabid, tries=tries)
+bugs = return_bug_list()
+log("Count %s" % (str(len(bugs))))
+from multiprocessing import Pool
+pool = Pool(processes=10)
+_ = pool.map(run_fetch, bugs)
+complete = len(filter(bool, _))
+failed = len(_) - complete
+print 'completed %s, failed %s' % (complete, failed)