path: root/gcc/testsuite/ada/acats/tests/cxa/cxa5a04.a
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--- CXA5A04.A
--- Grant of Unlimited Rights
--- Under contracts F33600-87-D-0337, F33600-84-D-0280, MDA903-79-C-0687,
--- F08630-91-C-0015, and DCA100-97-D-0025, the U.S. Government obtained
--- unlimited rights in the software and documentation contained herein.
--- Unlimited rights are defined in DFAR 252.227-7013(a)(19). By making
--- this public release, the Government intends to confer upon all
--- recipients unlimited rights equal to those held by the Government.
--- These rights include rights to use, duplicate, release or disclose the
--- released technical data and computer software in whole or in part, in
--- any manner and for any purpose whatsoever, and to have or permit others
--- to do so.
--- Check that the functions Cot, Coth, and Arccoth provide correct
--- results.
--- This test examines both the version of Cot, Coth, and Arccoth
--- the instantiation of the Ada.Numerics.Generic_Elementary_Functions
--- with a type derived from type Float, as well as the preinstantiated
--- version of this package for type Float.
--- Prescribed results, including instances prescribed to raise
--- exceptions, are examined in the test cases. In addition,
--- certain evaluations are performed where the actual function result
--- is compared with the expected result (within an epsilon range of
--- accuracy).
--- The following files comprise this test:
--- FXA5A00.A (foundation code)
--- CXA5A04.A
--- 15 Mar 95 SAIC Initial prerelease version.
--- 07 Apr 95 SAIC Corrected errors in context clause reference,
--- added trigonometric relationship checks.
--- 13 Jun 95 SAIC Incorporated use of Dont_Optimize procedure, and
--- use of Result_Within_Range function overloaded for
--- FXA5A00.New_Float_Type.
--- 18 Apr 96 SAIC Incorporated reviewer comments for ACVC 2.1.
--- 28 Feb 97 PWB.CTA Removed checks with explicit Cycle => 2.0*Pi
--- 29 Jun 98 EDS Protected exception tests by first testing
--- for 'Machine_Overflows
--- According to Ken Dritz, author of the Numerics Annex of the RM,
--- one should never specify the cycle 2.0*Pi for the trigonometric
--- functions. In particular, if the machine number for the first
--- argument is not an exact multiple of the machine number for the
--- explicit cycle, then the specified exact results cannot be
--- reasonably expected. The affected checks in this test have been
--- marked as comments, with the additional notation "pwb-math".
--- Phil Brashear
-with Ada.Exceptions;
-with Ada.Numerics.Elementary_Functions;
-with Ada.Numerics.Generic_Elementary_Functions;
-with FXA5A00;
-with Report;
-procedure CXA5A04 is
- Report.Test ("CXA5A04", "Check that the functions Cot, Coth, and " &
- "Arccoth provide correct results");
- Test_Block:
- declare
- use Ada.Exceptions;
- use Ada.Numerics;
- use FXA5A00;
- package GEF is new Ada.Numerics.Generic_Elementary_Functions(New_Float);
- package EF renames Ada.Numerics.Elementary_Functions;
- The_Result : Float;
- New_Float_Result : New_Float;
- procedure Dont_Optimize_Float is new Dont_Optimize(Float);
- procedure Dont_Optimize_New_Float is new Dont_Optimize(New_Float);
- begin
- -- Testing of Cot Function, both instantiated and pre-instantiated
- -- version.
- -- Check that Constraint_Error is raised with the Cot function is
- -- given a parameter input value of 0.0.
- if New_Float'Machine_Overflows = True then
- begin
- New_Float_Result := GEF.Cot (0.0);
- Report.Failed("Constraint_Error not raised by Function Cot " &
- "when provided a zero input parameter value");
- Dont_Optimize_New_Float(New_Float_Result, 1);
- exception
- when Constraint_Error => null; -- OK, expected exception.
- when others =>
- Report.Failed("Unexpected exception raised by Function Cot " &
- "when provided a zero input parameter value");
- end;
- end if;
- -- Check that no exception occurs on computing the Cot with very
- -- large (positive and negative) input values.
- begin
- New_Float_Result := GEF.Cot (New_Float(FXA5A00.Large));
- Dont_Optimize_New_Float(New_Float_Result, 2);
- exception
- when others =>
- Report.Failed("Unexpected exception on GEF.Cot with large " &
- "positive value");
- end;
- begin
- The_Result := EF.Cot (FXA5A00.Minus_Large);
- Dont_Optimize_Float(The_Result, 3);
- exception
- when others =>
- Report.Failed("Unexpected exception on EF.Cot with large " &
- "negative value");
- end;
- -- Check the results of the Cot function with various input parameters.
- if not (FXA5A00.Result_Within_Range(GEF.Cot(Pi/4.0), 1.0, 0.001) and
- FXA5A00.Result_Within_Range( EF.Cot(Pi/2.0), 0.0, 0.001) and
- FXA5A00.Result_Within_Range(GEF.Cot(3.0*Pi/4.0),-1.0, 0.001) and
- FXA5A00.Result_Within_Range( EF.Cot(3.0*Pi/2.0), 0.0, 0.001))
- then
- Report.Failed("Incorrect result from Cot function with various " &
- "input parameters");
- end if;
- -- Check the results of the Cot function against the results of
- -- various trigonometric relationships.
- if not FXA5A00.Result_Within_Range(GEF.Cot(New_Float(Pi/4.0)),
- 1.0/EF.Tan(Pi/4.0),
- 0.001) or
- not FXA5A00.Result_Within_Range(EF.Cot(Pi/4.0),
- EF.Cos(Pi/4.0)/EF.Sin(Pi/4.0),
- 0.001) or
- not FXA5A00.Result_Within_Range(EF.Cot(EF.Arccot(Pi/4.0)),
- Pi/4.0,
- 0.001)
- then
- Report.Failed("Incorrect result from Cot function with respect " &
- "to various trigonometric relationship expected " &
- "results");
- end if;
- -- Testing of Cot with Cycle parameter.
- -- Check that Argument_Error is raised by the Cot function when the
- -- value of the Cycle parameter is zero or negative.
- begin
- New_Float_Result := GEF.Cot (1.0, Cycle => 0.0);
- Report.Failed("Argument_Error not raised by the Cot Function " &
- "with a specified cycle value of 0.0");
- Dont_Optimize_New_Float(New_Float_Result, 4);
- exception
- when Argument_Error => null; -- OK, expected exception.
- when others =>
- Report.Failed
- ("Unexpected exception raised by the Cot Function with " &
- "a specified cycle value of 0.0");
- end;
- begin
- The_Result := EF.Cot (X => 1.0, Cycle => -360.0);
- Report.Failed("Argument_Error not raised by the Cot Function " &
- "with a specified cycle value of -360.0");
- Dont_Optimize_Float(The_Result, 5);
- exception
- when Argument_Error => null; -- OK, expected exception.
- when others =>
- Report.Failed
- ("Unexpected exception raised by the Cot Function with " &
- "a specified cycle value of -360.0");
- end;
- -- Check that Constraint_Error is raised by the Cot Function with
- -- specified cycle, when the value of the parameter X is 0.0.
- if New_Float'Machine_Overflows = True then
- begin
- New_Float_Result := GEF.Cot (0.0, 360.0);
- Report.Failed("Constraint_Error not raised by Function Cot " &
- "with specified cycle, when value of parameter " &
- "X is 0.0");
- Dont_Optimize_New_Float(New_Float_Result, 6);
- exception
- when Constraint_Error => null; -- OK, expected exception.
- when others =>
- Report.Failed("Unexpected exception raised by Function Cot " &
- "with specified cycle, when value of parameter " &
- "X is 0.0");
- end;
- end if;
- -- Check that Constraint_Error is raised by the Cot Function with
- -- specified cycle, when the value of the parameter X is a multiple
- -- of the half cycle.
- if New_Float'Machine_Overflows = True then
- begin
- New_Float_Result := GEF.Cot (180.0, 360.0);
- Report.Failed("Constraint_Error not raised by Function Cot " &
- "with specified cycle, when value of parameter " &
- "X is a multiple of the half cycle (180.0, 360.0)");
- Dont_Optimize_New_Float(New_Float_Result, 7);
- exception
- when Constraint_Error => null; -- OK, expected exception.
- when others =>
- Report.Failed("Unexpected exception raised by Function Cot " &
- "with specified cycle, when value of parameter " &
- "X is a multiple of the half cycle" &
- " (180.0, 360.0)");
- end;
- end if;
- if Float'Machine_Overflows = True then
- begin
- The_Result := EF.Cot (540.0, 360.0);
- Report.Failed("Constraint_Error not raised by Function Cot " &
- "with specified cycle, when value of parameter " &
- "X is a multiple of the half cycle (540.0, 360.0)");
- Dont_Optimize_Float(The_Result, 8);
- exception
- when Constraint_Error => null; -- OK, expected exception.
- when others =>
- Report.Failed("Unexpected exception raised by Function Cot " &
- "with specified cycle, when value of parameter " &
- "X is a multiple of the half cycle (540.0, 360.0)");
- end;
- end if;
---pwb-math -- Check that no exception occurs on computing the Cot with very
---pwb-math -- large (positive and negative) input values.
---pwb-math begin
---pwb-math New_Float_Result := GEF.Cot (New_Float(FXA5A00.Large), 2.0*Pi);
---pwb-math Dont_Optimize_New_Float(New_Float_Result, 9);
---pwb-math exception
---pwb-math when others =>
---pwb-math Report.Failed("Unexpected exception on GEF.Cot with large " &
---pwb-math "positive value");
---pwb-math end;
---pwb-math begin
---pwb-math The_Result := EF.Cot (FXA5A00.Minus_Large, Cycle => 2.0*Pi);
---pwb-math Dont_Optimize_Float(The_Result, 10);
---pwb-math exception
---pwb-math when others =>
---pwb-math Report.Failed("Unexpected exception on EF.Cot with large " &
---pwb-math "negative value");
---pwb-math end;
---pwb-math -- Check prescribed result from Cot function with Cycle parameter.
---pwb-math if not FXA5A00.Result_Within_Range
---pwb-math (GEF.Cot(New_Float(FXA5A00.Half_Pi), 2.0*Pi), 0.0, 0.001) or
---pwb-math not FXA5A00.Result_Within_Range
---pwb-math (EF.Cot(3.0*Pi/2.0, Cycle => 2.0*Pi), 0.0, 0.001)
---pwb-math then
---pwb-math Report.Failed("Incorrect result from Cot function with cycle " &
---pwb-math "parameter, using a multiple of Pi/2 as the " &
---pwb-math "input parameter");
---pwb-math end if;
- -- Testing of Coth Function, both instantiated and pre-instantiated
- -- version.
- -- Check that no exception occurs on computing the Coth with very
- -- large (positive and negative) input values.
- begin
- The_Result := EF.Coth (FXA5A00.Large);
- if The_Result > 1.0 then
- Report.Failed("Result of Coth function with large positive " &
- "value greater than 1.0");
- end if;
- exception
- when others =>
- Report.Failed("Unexpected exception on EF.Coth with large " &
- "positive value");
- end;
- begin
- The_Result := EF.Coth (FXA5A00.Minus_Large);
- if The_Result < -1.0 then
- Report.Failed("Result of Coth function with large negative " &
- "value less than -1.0");
- end if;
- exception
- when others =>
- Report.Failed("Unexpected exception on EF.Coth with large " &
- "negative value");
- end;
- -- Check that Constraint_Error is raised by the Coth function, when
- -- the value of the parameter X is 0.0.
- if New_Float'Machine_Overflows = True then
- begin
- New_Float_Result := GEF.Coth (X => 0.0);
- Report.Failed("Constraint_Error not raised by the Coth function " &
- "when the value of parameter X is 0.0");
- Dont_Optimize_New_Float(New_Float_Result, 11);
- exception
- when Constraint_Error => null; -- OK, expected exception.
- when others =>
- Report.Failed("Unexpected exception raised by the Coth " &
- "function when the value of parameter X is 0.0");
- end;
- end if;
- -- Testing of Arccoth Function, both instantiated and pre-instantiated
- -- version.
- -- Check that Constraint_Error is raised by the Arccoth function
- -- when the absolute value of the parameter X is 1.0.
- if New_Float'Machine_Overflows = True then
- begin
- New_Float_Result := GEF.Arccoth (X => 1.0);
- Report.Failed("Constraint_Error not raised by the Arccoth " &
- "function when the value of parameter X is 1.0");
- Dont_Optimize_New_Float(New_Float_Result, 12);
- exception
- when Constraint_Error => null; -- OK, expected exception.
- when others =>
- Report.Failed("Unexpected exception raised by the Arccoth " &
- "function when the value of parameter X is 1.0");
- end;
- end if;
- if Float'Machine_Overflows = True then
- begin
- The_Result := EF.Arccoth (-1.0);
- Report.Failed("Constraint_Error not raised by the Arccoth " &
- "function when the value of parameter X is -1.0");
- Dont_Optimize_Float(The_Result, 13);
- exception
- when Constraint_Error => null; -- OK, expected exception.
- when others =>
- Report.Failed("Unexpected exception raised by the Arccoth " &
- "function when the value of parameter X is -1.0");
- end;
- end if;
- -- Check that Argument_Error is raised by the Arccoth function when
- -- the absolute value of the parameter X is less than 1.0.
- begin
- New_Float_Result := GEF.Arccoth (X => New_Float(One_Minus_Delta));
- Report.Failed("Argument_Error not raised by the Arccoth " &
- "function with parameter value less than 1.0");
- Dont_Optimize_New_Float(New_Float_Result, 14);
- exception
- when Argument_Error => null; -- OK, expected exception.
- when others =>
- Report.Failed("Unexpected exception raised by the Arccoth " &
- "function with parameter value less than 1.0");
- end;
- begin
- The_Result := EF.Arccoth (X => FXA5A00.Minus_One_Plus_Delta);
- Report.Failed("Argument_Error not raised by the Arccoth function " &
- "with parameter value between 0.0 and -1.0");
- Dont_Optimize_Float(The_Result, 15);
- exception
- when Argument_Error => null; -- OK, expected exception.
- when others =>
- Report.Failed("Unexpected exception raised by the Arccoth " &
- "function with parameter value between 0.0 " &
- "and -1.0");
- end;
- -- Check the results of the Arccoth function with various input
- -- parameters.
- if not (Result_Within_Range(GEF.Arccoth(1.01), 2.652, 0.01) and
- Result_Within_Range( EF.Arccoth(1.25), 1.099, 0.01) and
- Result_Within_Range(GEF.Arccoth(1.56), 0.760, 0.001) and
- Result_Within_Range( EF.Arccoth(1.97), 0.560, 0.001) and
- Result_Within_Range(GEF.Arccoth(2.40), 0.444, 0.001) and
- Result_Within_Range( EF.Arccoth(4.30), 0.237, 0.001) and
- Result_Within_Range(GEF.Arccoth(5.80), 0.174, 0.001) and
- Result_Within_Range( EF.Arccoth(7.00), 0.144, 0.001))
- then
- Report.Failed("Incorrect result from Arccoth function with various " &
- "input parameters");
- end if;
- exception
- when The_Error : others =>
- Report.Failed ("The following exception was raised in the " &
- "Test_Block: " & Exception_Name(The_Error));
- end Test_Block;
- Report.Result;
-end CXA5A04;