path: root/gcc/testsuite/ada/acats/tests/cxg/cxg1003.a
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--- CXG1003.A
--- Grant of Unlimited Rights
--- Under contracts F33600-87-D-0337, F33600-84-D-0280, MDA903-79-C-0687,
--- F08630-91-C-0015, and DCA100-97-D-0025, the U.S. Government obtained
--- unlimited rights in the software and documentation contained herein.
--- Unlimited rights are defined in DFAR 252.227-7013(a)(19). By making
--- this public release, the Government intends to confer upon all
--- recipients unlimited rights equal to those held by the Government.
--- These rights include rights to use, duplicate, release or disclose the
--- released technical data and computer software in whole or in part, in
--- any manner and for any purpose whatsoever, and to have or permit others
--- to do so.
--- Check that the subprograms defined in the package Text_IO.Complex_IO
--- provide correct results.
--- The generic package Ada.Numerics.Generic_Complex_Types is instantiated
--- with a real type (new Float). The resulting new package is used as
--- the generic actual to package Complex_IO.
--- Two different versions of Put and Get are examined in this test,
--- those that input/output complex data values from/to Text_IO files,
--- and those that input/output complex data values from/to strings.
--- Two procedures are defined to perform the file data manipulations;
--- one to place complex data into the file, and one to retrieve the data
--- from the file and verify its correctness.
--- Complex data is also put into string variables using the Procedure
--- Put for strings, and this data is then retrieved and reconverted into
--- complex values using the Get procedure.
--- This test is only applicable to implementations that:
--- support Annex G,
--- support Text_IO and external files
--- 06 Dec 94 SAIC ACVC 2.0
--- 29 Dec 94 SAIC Modified Width parameter in Get function calls.
--- 16 Nov 95 SAIC Corrected visibility problems for ACVC 2.0.1.
--- 29 Sep 96 SAIC Incorporated reviewer comments.
-with Ada.Text_IO.Complex_IO;
-with Ada.Numerics.Generic_Complex_Types;
-with Report;
-procedure CXG1003 is
- Report.Test ("CXG1003", "Check that the subprograms defined in " &
- "the package Text_IO.Complex_IO " &
- "provide correct results");
- Test_for_Text_IO_Support:
- declare
- use Ada;
- Data_File : Ada.Text_IO.File_Type;
- Data_Filename : constant String := Report.Legal_File_Name;
- begin
- -- An application creates a text file in mode Out_File, with the
- -- intention of entering complex data into the file as appropriate.
- -- In the event that the particular environment where the application
- -- is running does not support Text_IO, Use_Error or Name_Error will be
- -- raised on calls to Text_IO operations. Either of these exceptions
- -- will be handled to produce a Not_Applicable result.
- Text_IO.Create (File => Data_File,
- Mode => Ada.Text_IO.Out_File,
- Name => Data_Filename);
- Test_Block:
- declare
- TC_Verbose : Boolean := False;
- type Real_Type is new Float;
- package Complex_Pack is new
- Ada.Numerics.Generic_Complex_Types(Real_Type);
- package C_IO is new Ada.Text_IO.Complex_IO(Complex_Pack);
- use Ada.Text_IO, C_IO;
- use type Complex_Pack.Complex;
- Number_Of_Complex_Items : constant := 6;
- Number_Of_Error_Items : constant := 2;
- TC_Complex : Complex_Pack.Complex;
- TC_Last_Character_Read : Positive;
- Complex_Array : array (1..Number_Of_Complex_Items)
- of Complex_Pack.Complex := ( (3.0, 9.0),
- (4.0, 7.0),
- (5.0, 6.0),
- (6.0, 3.0),
- (2.0, 5.0),
- (3.0, 7.0) );
- procedure Load_Data_File (The_File : in out Text_IO.File_Type) is
- use Ada.Text_IO;
- begin
- -- This procedure does not create, open, or close the data file;
- -- The_File file object must be Open at this point.
- -- This procedure is designed to load complex data into a data
- -- file twice, first using Text_IO, then Complex_IO. In this
- -- first case, the complex data values are entered as strings,
- -- assuming a variety of legal formats, as provided in the
- -- reference manual.
- Put_Line(The_File, "(3.0, 9.0)");
- Put_Line(The_File, "+4. +7."); -- Relaxed real literal format.
- Put_Line(The_File, "(5.0 6.)");
- Put_Line(The_File, "6., 3.0");
- Put_Line(The_File, " ( 2.0 , 5.0 ) ");
- Put_Line(The_File, "("); -- Complex data separated over
- Put_Line(The_File, "3.0"); -- several (5) lines.
- Put_Line(The_File, " , ");
- Put_Line(The_File, "7.0 ");
- Put_Line(The_File, ")");
- if TC_Verbose then
- Report.Comment("Complex values entered into data file using " &
- "Text_IO, Procedure Load_Data_File");
- end if;
- -- Use the Complex_IO procedure Put to enter Complex data items
- -- into the data file.
- -- Note: Data is being entered into the file for the *second* time
- -- at this point. (Using Complex_IO here, Text_IO above)
- for i in 1..Number_Of_Complex_Items loop
- C_IO.Put(File => The_File,
- Item => Complex_Array(i),
- Fore => 1,
- Aft => 1,
- Exp => 0);
- end loop;
- if TC_Verbose then
- Report.Comment("Complex values entered into data file using " &
- "Complex_IO, Procedure Load_Data_File");
- end if;
- Put_Line(The_File, "(5A,3)"); -- data to raise Data_Error.
- Put_Line(The_File, "(3.0,,8.0)"); -- data to raise Data_Error.
- end Load_Data_File;
- procedure Process_Data_File (The_File : in out Text_IO.File_Type) is
- TC_Complex : Complex_Pack.Complex := (0.0, 0.0);
- TC_Width : Integer := 0;
- begin
- -- This procedure does not create, open, or close the data file;
- -- The_File file object must be Open at this point.
- -- Use procedure Get (for Files) to extract the complex data from
- -- the Text_IO file. This data was placed into the file using
- -- Text_IO.
- for i in 1..Number_Of_Complex_Items loop
- C_IO.Get(The_File, TC_Complex, TC_Width);
- if TC_Complex /= Complex_Array(i) then
- Report.Failed("Incorrect complex data read from file " &
- "when using Text_IO procedure Get, " &
- "data item #" & Integer'Image(i));
- end if;
- end loop;
- if TC_Verbose then
- Report.Comment("First set of complex values extracted " &
- "from data file using Complex_IO, " &
- "Procedure Process_Data_File");
- end if;
- -- Use procedure Get (for Files) to extract the complex data from
- -- the Text_IO file. This data was placed into the file using
- -- procedure Complex_IO.Put.
- -- Note: Data is being extracted from the file for the *second*
- -- time at this point (Using Complex_IO here, Text_IO above)
- for i in 1..Number_Of_Complex_Items loop
- C_IO.Get(The_File, TC_Complex, TC_Width);
- if TC_Complex /= Complex_Array(i) then
- Report.Failed("Incorrect complex data read from file " &
- "when using Complex_IO procedure Get, " &
- "data item #" & Integer'Image(i));
- end if;
- end loop;
- if TC_Verbose then
- Report.Comment("Second set of complex values extracted " &
- "from data file using Complex_IO, " &
- "Procedure Process_Data_File");
- end if;
- -- The final items in the Data_File are complex values with
- -- incorrect syntax, which should raise Data_Error on an attempt
- -- to read them from the file.
- TC_Width := 10;
- for i in 1..Number_Of_Error_Items loop
- begin
- C_IO.Get(The_File, TC_Complex, TC_Width);
- Report.Failed
- ("Exception Data_Error not raised when Complex_IO.Get " &
- "was used to read complex data with incorrect " &
- "syntax from the Data_File, data item #" &
- Integer'Image(i));
- exception
- when Ada.Text_IO.Data_Error => -- OK, expected exception.
- Text_IO.Skip_Line(The_File);
- when others =>
- Report.Failed
- ("Unexpected exception raised when Complex_IO.Get " &
- "was used to read complex data with incorrect " &
- "syntax from the Data_File, data item #" &
- Integer'Image(i));
- end;
- end loop;
- if TC_Verbose then
- Report.Comment("Erroneous set of complex values extracted " &
- "from data file using Complex_IO, " &
- "Procedure Process_Data_File");
- end if;
- exception
- when others =>
- Report.Failed
- ("Unexpected exception raised in Process_Data_File");
- end Process_Data_File;
- begin -- Test_Block.
- -- Place complex values into data file.
- Load_Data_File(Data_File);
- Text_IO.Close(Data_File);
- if TC_Verbose then
- Report.Comment("Data file loaded with Complex values");
- end if;
- -- Read complex values from data file.
- Text_IO.Open(Data_File, Text_IO.In_File, Data_Filename);
- Process_Data_File(Data_File);
- if TC_Verbose then
- Report.Comment("Complex values extracted from data file");
- end if;
- -- Verify versions of Procedures Put and Get for Strings.
- declare
- TC_String_Array : array (1..Number_Of_Complex_Items)
- of String(1..15) := (others =>(others => ' '));
- begin
- -- Place complex values into strings using the Procedure Put.
- for i in 1..Number_Of_Complex_Items loop
- C_IO.Put(To => TC_String_Array(i),
- Item => Complex_Array(i),
- Aft => 1,
- Exp => 0);
- end loop;
- if TC_Verbose then
- Report.Comment("Complex values placed into string array");
- end if;
- -- Check the format of the strings containing a complex number.
- -- The resulting strings are of 15 character length, with the
- -- real component left justified within the string, followed by
- -- a comma, and with the imaginary component and closing
- -- parenthesis right justified in the string, with blank fill
- -- for the balance of the string.
- if TC_String_Array(1) /= "(3.0, 9.0)" or
- TC_String_Array(2) /= "(4.0, 7.0)" or
- TC_String_Array(3) /= "(5.0, 6.0)" or
- TC_String_Array(4) /= "(6.0, 3.0)" or
- TC_String_Array(5) /= "(2.0, 5.0)" or
- TC_String_Array(6) /= "(3.0, 7.0)"
- then
- Report.Failed("Incorrect format for complex values that " &
- "have been placed into string variables " &
- "using the Complex_IO.Put procedure for " &
- "strings");
- end if;
- if TC_Verbose then
- Report.Comment("String format of Complex values verified");
- end if;
- -- Get complex values from strings using the Procedure Get.
- -- Compare with expected complex values.
- for i in 1..Number_Of_Complex_Items loop
- C_IO.Get(From => TC_String_Array(i),
- Item => TC_Complex,
- Last => TC_Last_Character_Read);
- if TC_Complex /= Complex_Array(i) then
- Report.Failed("Incorrect complex data value obtained " &
- "from String following use of Procedures " &
- "Put and Get from Strings, Complex_Array " &
- "item #" & Integer'Image(i));
- end if;
- end loop;
- if TC_Verbose then
- Report.Comment("Complex values removed from String array");
- end if;
- -- Verify that Layout_Error is raised if the given string is
- -- too short to hold the formatted output.
- Layout_Error_On_Put:
- declare
- Much_Too_Short : String(1..2);
- Complex_Value : Complex_Pack.Complex := (5.0, 0.0);
- begin
- C_IO.Put(Much_Too_Short, Complex_Value);
- Report.Failed("Layout_Error not raised by Procedure Put " &
- "when the given string was too short to " &
- "hold the formatted output");
- exception
- when Layout_Error => null; -- OK, expected exception.
- when others =>
- Report.Failed
- ("Unexpected exception raised by Procedure Put when " &
- "the given string was too short to hold the " &
- "formatted output");
- end Layout_Error_On_Put;
- if TC_Verbose then
- Report.Comment("Layout Errors verified");
- end if;
- exception
- when others =>
- Report.Failed("Unexpected exception raised during the " &
- "evaluation of Put and Get for Strings");
- end;
- -- Place complex values into strings using a variety of legal
- -- complex data formats.
- declare
- type String_Ptr is access String;
- TC_Complex_String_Array :
- array (1..Number_Of_Complex_Items) of String_Ptr :=
- (new String'( "(3.0, 9.0 )" ),
- new String'( "+4.0 +7.0" ),
- new String'( "(5.0 6.0)" ),
- new String'( "6.0, 3.0" ),
- new String'( " ( 2.0 , 5.0 ) " ),
- new String'( "(3.0 7.0)" ));
- -- The following array contains Positive values that correspond
- -- to the last character that will be read by Procedure Get when
- -- given each of the above strings as input.
- TC_Last_Char_Array : array (1..Number_Of_Complex_Items)
- of Positive := (12,10,9,8,20,22);
- begin
- -- Get complex values from strings using the Procedure Get.
- -- Compare with expected complex values.
- for i in 1..Number_Of_Complex_Items loop
- C_IO.Get(TC_Complex_String_Array(i).all,
- TC_Complex,
- TC_Last_Character_Read);
- if TC_Complex /= Complex_Array(i) then
- Report.Failed
- ("Incorrect complex data value obtained from " &
- "Procedure Get with complex data input of: " &
- TC_Complex_String_Array(i).all);
- end if;
- if TC_Last_Character_Read /= TC_Last_Char_Array(i) then
- Report.Failed
- ("Incorrect value returned as the last character of " &
- "the input string processed by Procedure Get, " &
- "string value : " & TC_Complex_String_Array(i).all &
- " expected last character value read : " &
- Positive'Image(TC_Last_Char_Array(i)) &
- " last character value read : " &
- Positive'Image(TC_Last_Character_Read));
- end if;
- end loop;
- if TC_Verbose then
- Report.Comment("Complex values removed from strings and " &
- "verified against expected values");
- end if;
- exception
- when others =>
- Report.Failed("Unexpected exception raised during the " &
- "evaluation of Get for Strings");
- end;
- exception
- when others => Report.Failed ("Exception raised in Test_Block");
- end Test_Block;
- -- Delete the external file.
- if Ada.Text_IO.Is_Open(Data_File) then
- Ada.Text_IO.Delete(Data_File);
- else
- Ada.Text_IO.Open(Data_File,
- Ada.Text_IO.In_File,
- Data_Filename);
- Ada.Text_IO.Delete(Data_File);
- end if;
- exception
- -- Since Use_Error can be raised if, for the specified mode,
- -- the environment does not support Text_IO operations, the
- -- following handlers are included:
- when Ada.Text_IO.Use_Error =>
- Report.Not_Applicable ("Use_Error raised on Text_IO Create");
- when Ada.Text_IO.Name_Error =>
- Report.Not_Applicable ("Name_Error raised on Text_IO Create");
- when others =>
- Report.Failed ("Unexpected exception raised on text file Create");
- end Test_for_Text_IO_Support;
- Report.Result;
-end CXG1003;