path: root/gcc/ada/s-wchwts.adb
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Diffstat (limited to 'gcc/ada/s-wchwts.adb')
1 files changed, 70 insertions, 109 deletions
diff --git a/gcc/ada/s-wchwts.adb b/gcc/ada/s-wchwts.adb
index c9894f7c038..21174aad370 100644
--- a/gcc/ada/s-wchwts.adb
+++ b/gcc/ada/s-wchwts.adb
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
-- --
-- B o d y --
-- --
--- Copyright (C) 1992-2000 Free Software Foundation, Inc. --
+-- Copyright (C) 1992-2005 Free Software Foundation, Inc. --
-- --
-- GNAT is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under --
-- terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Soft- --
@@ -31,133 +31,94 @@
-- --
-with Interfaces; use Interfaces;
with System.WCh_Con; use System.WCh_Con;
-with System.WCh_JIS; use System.WCh_JIS;
+with System.WCh_Cnv; use System.WCh_Cnv;
package body System.WCh_WtS is
+ -----------------------
+ -- Local Subprograms --
+ -----------------------
+ procedure Store_UTF_32_Character
+ (U : UTF_32_Code;
+ S : out String;
+ P : in out Integer;
+ EM : WC_Encoding_Method);
+ -- Stores the string representation of the wide or wide wide character
+ -- whose code is given as U, starting at S (P + 1). P is incremented to
+ -- point to the last character stored. Raises CE if character cannot be
+ -- stored using the given encoding method.
+ ----------------------------
+ -- Store_UTF_32_Character --
+ ----------------------------
+ procedure Store_UTF_32_Character
+ (U : UTF_32_Code;
+ S : out String;
+ P : in out Integer;
+ EM : WC_Encoding_Method)
+ is
+ procedure Out_Char (C : Character);
+ pragma Inline (Out_Char);
+ -- Procedure to increment P and store C at S (P)
+ procedure Store_Chars is new UTF_32_To_Char_Sequence (Out_Char);
+ --------------
+ -- Out_Char --
+ --------------
+ procedure Out_Char (C : Character) is
+ begin
+ P := P + 1;
+ S (P) := C;
+ end Out_Char;
+ begin
+ Store_Chars (U, EM);
+ end Store_UTF_32_Character;
-- Wide_String_To_String --
function Wide_String_To_String
- (S : Wide_String;
- EM : WC_Encoding_Method)
- return String
+ (S : Wide_String;
+ EM : WC_Encoding_Method) return String
R : String (1 .. 5 * S'Length); -- worst case length!
RP : Natural;
- C1 : Character;
- C2 : Character;
RP := 0;
for SP in S'Range loop
- declare
- C : constant Wide_Character := S (SP);
- CV : constant Unsigned_16 := Wide_Character'Pos (C);
- Hex : constant array (Unsigned_16 range 0 .. 15) of Character :=
- "0123456789ABCDEF";
- begin
- if CV <= 127 then
- RP := RP + 1;
- R (RP) := Character'Val (CV);
- else
- case EM is
- -- Hex ESC sequence encoding
- when WCEM_Hex =>
- if CV <= 16#FF# then
- RP := RP + 1;
- R (RP) := Character'Val (CV);
- else
- R (RP + 1) := ASCII.ESC;
- R (RP + 2) := Hex (Shift_Right (CV, 12));
- R (RP + 3) := Hex (Shift_Right (CV, 8) and 16#000F#);
- R (RP + 4) := Hex (Shift_Right (CV, 4) and 16#000F#);
- R (RP + 5) := Hex (CV and 16#000F#);
- RP := RP + 5;
- end if;
- -- Upper bit shift (internal code = external code)
- when WCEM_Upper =>
- R (RP + 1) := Character'Val (Shift_Right (CV, 8));
- R (RP + 2) := Character'Val (CV and 16#FF#);
- RP := RP + 2;
- -- Upper bit shift (EUC)
- when WCEM_EUC =>
- JIS_To_EUC (C, C1, C2);
- R (RP + 1) := C1;
- R (RP + 2) := C2;
- RP := RP + 2;
- -- Upper bit shift (Shift-JIS)
- when WCEM_Shift_JIS =>
- JIS_To_Shift_JIS (C, C1, C2);
- R (RP + 1) := C1;
- R (RP + 2) := C2;
- RP := RP + 2;
- -- Upper bit shift (UTF-8)
- -- 16#0080#-16#07ff#: 2#110xxxxx# 2#10xxxxxx#
- -- 16#0800#-16#ffff#: 2#1110xxxx# 2#10xxxxxx# 2#10xxxxxx#
- when WCEM_UTF8 =>
- if CV < 16#0800# then
- R (RP + 1) :=
- Character'Val (2#11000000# or Shift_Right (CV, 6));
- R (RP + 2) :=
- Character'Val (2#10000000# or (CV and 2#00111111#));
- RP := RP + 2;
- else
- R (RP + 1) :=
- Character'Val (2#11100000# or Shift_Right (CV, 12));
- R (RP + 2) :=
- Character'Val (2#10000000# or
- (Shift_Right (CV, 6) and
- 2#00111111#));
- R (RP + 3) :=
- Character'Val (2#10000000# or (CV and 2#00111111#));
- RP := RP + 3;
- end if;
- -- Brackets encoding
- when WCEM_Brackets =>
- if CV <= 16#FF# then
- RP := RP + 1;
- R (RP) := Character'Val (CV);
- else
- R (RP + 1) := '[';
- R (RP + 2) := '"';
- R (RP + 3) := Hex (Shift_Right (CV, 12));
- R (RP + 4) := Hex (Shift_Right (CV, 8) and 16#000F#);
- R (RP + 5) := Hex (Shift_Right (CV, 4) and 16#000F#);
- R (RP + 6) := Hex (CV and 16#000F#);
- R (RP + 7) := '"';
- R (RP + 8) := ']';
- RP := RP + 8;
- end if;
- end case;
- end if;
- end;
+ Store_UTF_32_Character (Wide_Character'Pos (S (SP)), R, RP, EM);
end loop;
return R (1 .. RP);
end Wide_String_To_String;
+ --------------------------------
+ -- Wide_Wide_Sring_To_String --
+ --------------------------------
+ function Wide_Wide_String_To_String
+ (S : Wide_Wide_String;
+ EM : WC_Encoding_Method) return String
+ is
+ R : String (1 .. 7 * S'Length); -- worst case length!
+ RP : Natural;
+ begin
+ RP := 0;
+ for SP in S'Range loop
+ Store_UTF_32_Character (Wide_Wide_Character'Pos (S (SP)), R, RP, EM);
+ end loop;
+ return R (1 .. RP);
+ end Wide_Wide_String_To_String;
end System.WCh_WtS;