diff options
authorMike Holmes <mike.holmes@linaro.org>2017-06-22 09:04:29 -0400
committerMike Holmes <mike.holmes@linaro.org>2017-06-22 09:06:46 -0400
commit5034c81f6a45075087e44f1be542f5be5415fee0 (patch)
parenta1489290db03d76b75c3ec087b40dab586c219a2 (diff)
Allow for multiple pages and use vector operations rather than peck though the tables
1 files changed, 120 insertions, 99 deletions
diff --git a/member_heatmaps.R b/member_heatmaps.R
index 58e2715..e7fea24 100644
--- a/member_heatmaps.R
+++ b/member_heatmaps.R
@@ -4,6 +4,8 @@ library(jsonlite)
companies <- function (names)
@@ -25,8 +27,12 @@ display_heatmap <- function(report, m, suffix) {
png(file=report_name, title = report["name"])
#display raw data
+ cat("\nGenerating", report_name,'\n')
- cat("Generating", report_name,'\n')
+ #calucaltions require a matix
+ m <- as.matrix(m)
# following code limits the lowest and highest color to 5%, and 95% of your range, respectively
quantile.range <- quantile(m, probs = seq(0, 1, 0.01))
@@ -58,7 +64,7 @@ watcher_heatmap <- function(report) {
fields <- "&fields=watches,key,project"
type <- "search?"
- jql <- paste ("jql=project+in+(",report["team"],")+AND+issuetype+in+(Initiative,Epic)&maxResults=2000", sep = "")
+ jql <- paste ("jql=project+in+(",report["team"],")+AND+issuetype+in+(Initiative,Epic)&maxResults=1000", sep = "")
url <- paste(baseurl, type, jql, fields, sep = "")
cat (url,"\n")
@@ -97,7 +103,6 @@ watcher_heatmap <- function(report) {
num_comp <- length(comp)
m <- matrix(NA, nrow = num_comp, ncol = num_projects)
colnames(m) <- projects
- rownames(m) <- comp
m[] <- 0L
#from the website now get watchers names with another query for all keys found previously
@@ -140,68 +145,76 @@ sponsor_heatmap <- function (report) {
fields <- "&fields=customfield_10101,key,project"
type <- "search?"
- jql <-
- paste(
- "jql=project+in+(",
- report["team"],
- ")+AND+issuetype+in+(Initiative,Epic)&maxResults=1000",
- sep = ""
- )
- url <- paste(baseurl, type, jql, fields, sep = "")
- cat (url,"\n")
- webpage <- curl (url, handle = h)
- #get data it into R
- jira_raw <- fromJSON(webpage, simplifyDataFrame = TRUE)
+ page <- 0
+ #empty container for all data returned
+ jira_raw=data.frame()
+ repeat {
+ jql <-
+ paste(
+ "jql=project+in+(",
+ report["team"],
+ ")+AND+issuetype+in+(Initiative,Epic)&maxResults=1000",
+ "&page=",
+ page,
+ sep = ""
+ )
+ url <- paste(baseurl, type, jql, fields, sep = "")
+ webpage <- curl (url, handle = h)
+ #get data it into R
+ new_data <- fromJSON(webpage, simplifyDataFrame = TRUE)
+ new_data_issues <- data.frame(key = new_data$issues$key,
+ project_key = new_data$issues$fields$project$key)
+ new_data_issues$sponsor <-
+ sapply(new_data$issues$fields$customfield_10101,
+ function(x) unlist(x[2]) )
+ jira_raw <- rbind(jira_raw, new_data_issues)
+ #get following pages if there are any
+ page <- page + 1
+ if (new_data$total < (new_data$maxResults * new_data$maxResults))
+ break
+ }
+ rm(new_data)
+ rm(new_data_issues)
#list of every issue
- keys <- jira_raw$issues$key
+ keys <- jira_raw$key
#x axis the number of projects
- projects <- unique(jira_raw$issues$fields$project$key)
+ projects <- unique(jira_raw$project_key)
num_projects <- length(projects)
#y axis the companies or sponsors
- sponsor <- jira_raw$issues$fields$customfield_10101
- names = list()
- for (key in keys) {
- s <- sponsor[[match (key, keys)]][[2]]
- for (n in s) {
- names[[length(names) + 1]] <- n
- }
- }
+ sponsor <- jira_raw$sponsor
#create empty matrix
- comp <- unique(names)
- num_comp <- length(comp)
- m <- matrix(NA, nrow = num_comp, ncol = num_projects)
- colnames(m) <- projects
- rownames(m) <- comp
- m[] <- 0L
+ m <- data.frame()
+ m$Company <- rownames(m)
# count companies per project by looking at every key and update matrix
- for (key in keys) {
- #y
- mike <- match (key, keys)
- team <- jira_raw$issues$fields$project$key[mike]
- y <- match (team, projects)
+ for (project in unique(jira_raw$project_key)) {
+ team <- jira_raw[jira_raw$project_key == project,]
- #x
- s <- sponsor[[match (key, keys)]][[2]]
- for (c in s)
- {
- x <- match (c, comp)
- m[x, y] <- m[x, y] + 1
- }
+ team <- unlist(team['sponsor'])
+ freq <- data.frame(table(unlist(team)))
+ freq <- rename (freq,c("Freq"=project,"Var1"="Company"))
+ m <- merge(m, freq, all = TRUE)
- #remove companies we don't like ;)
+ #add row names and remove the colum that was the row names
+ rownames(m) <- m$Company
+ m$Company <- NULL
+ #remove companies we don't like ;) - Linaro adds no value to this analysis
rows.to.delete <- c('Linaro')
- for (d in rows.to.delete) {
- m <- as.matrix(m[!grepl(d, rownames(m)),])
- }
+ m <- m[!rownames(m) %in% rows.to.delete,]
+ #fix the NA's they really mean 0
+ m[is.na(m)] <- 0
display_heatmap(report, m, "_sp")
@@ -212,68 +225,76 @@ sponsor_heatmap_current <- function (report) {
fields <- "&fields=customfield_10101,key,project"
type <- "search?"
- jql <-
- paste(
- "jql=project+in+(",
- report["team"],
- ")+AND+status!=Closed+AND+issuetype+in+(Initiative,Epic)&maxResults=1000",
- sep = ""
- )
- url <- paste(baseurl, type, jql, fields, sep = "")
- cat (url,"\n")
- webpage <- curl (url, handle = h)
+ page <- 0
+ #empty container for all data returned
+ jira_raw=data.frame()
+ repeat {
+ jql <-
+ paste(
+ "jql=project+in+(",
+ report["team"],
+ ")+AND+status!=Closed+AND+issuetype+in+(Initiative,Epic)&maxResults=1000",
+ "&page=",
+ page,
+ sep = ""
+ )
+ url <- paste(baseurl, type, jql, fields, sep = "")
+ webpage <- curl (url, handle = h)
+ #get data it into R
+ new_data <- fromJSON(webpage, simplifyDataFrame = TRUE)
+ new_data_issues <- data.frame(key = new_data$issues$key,
+ project_key = new_data$issues$fields$project$key)
+ new_data_issues$sponsor <-
+ sapply(new_data$issues$fields$customfield_10101,
+ function(x) unlist(x[2]) )
+ jira_raw <- rbind(jira_raw, new_data_issues)
+ #get following pages if there are any
+ page <- page + 1
+ if (new_data$total < (new_data$maxResults * new_data$maxResults))
+ break
+ }
- #get data it into R
- jira_raw <- fromJSON(webpage, simplifyDataFrame = TRUE)
+ rm(new_data)
+ rm(new_data_issues)
#list of every issue
- keys <- jira_raw$issues$key
+ keys <- jira_raw$key
#x axis the number of projects
- projects <- unique(jira_raw$issues$fields$project$key)
+ projects <- unique(jira_raw$project_key)
num_projects <- length(projects)
#y axis the companies or sponsors
- sponsor <- jira_raw$issues$fields$customfield_10101
- names = list()
- for (key in keys) {
- s <- sponsor[[match (key, keys)]][[2]]
- for (n in s) {
- names[[length(names) + 1]] <- n
- }
- }
+ sponsor <- jira_raw$sponsor
#create empty matrix
- comp <- unique(names)
- num_comp <- length(comp)
- m <- matrix(NA, nrow = num_comp, ncol = num_projects)
- colnames(m) <- projects
- rownames(m) <- comp
- m[] <- 0L
+ m <- data.frame()
+ m$Company <- rownames(m)
# count companies per project by looking at every key and update matrix
- for (key in keys) {
- #y
- mike <- match (key, keys)
- team <- jira_raw$issues$fields$project$key[mike]
- y <- match (team, projects)
+ for (project in unique(jira_raw$project_key)) {
+ team <- jira_raw[jira_raw$project_key == project,]
- #x
- s <- sponsor[[match (key, keys)]][[2]]
- for (c in s)
- {
- x <- match (c, comp)
- m[x, y] <- m[x, y] + 1
- }
+ team <- unlist(team['sponsor'])
+ freq <- data.frame(table(unlist(team)))
+ freq <- rename (freq,c("Freq"=project,"Var1"="Company"))
+ m <- merge(m, freq, all = TRUE)
- #remove companies we don't like ;)
+ #add row names and remove the colum that was the row names
+ rownames(m) <- m$Company
+ m$Company <- NULL
+ #remove companies we don't like ;) - Linaro adds no value to this analysis
rows.to.delete <- c('Linaro')
- for (d in rows.to.delete) {
- m <- as.matrix(m[!grepl(d, rownames(m)),])
- }
+ m <- m[!rownames(m) %in% rows.to.delete,]
+ #fix the NA's they really mean 0
+ m[is.na(m)] <- 0
display_heatmap(report, m, "_spc")