README for test-manifest2.sh script

=== Purpose:

Test that builds can be reproduced by ABE using manifest files.

=== How to run the script

typical usage is:
$ bash abe-tests/test-manifest2.sh 2>&1 | tee mani2.log

This creates a directory called 'full-manifest-test', which is deleted at the
start if it already exists. Results are stored inside that directory, along
with files generated during the test.

The main results files are:
      contains a list of tests and whether they passed or failed

      An expanded version of the summary which also includes selected results
      files so that the causes of failures can be seen.

=== Options accepted by the script

   --abe-path <path>
       If set, the path is used for a checkout of ABE. If not set, then the
       script checks out its own copy of ABE to test.

   --ref-snapshots <path>
       Path to git reference snapshots directory.

   --abe-branch <branch name>
       Name of branch to test. Defaults to master.

       Displays full test report at the end of test execution. The report is
       always available in full-manifest-test/results_report.txt even if
       this option is not specified.

       Suppresses ABE build output.

       Enables bash command tracing.

=== Operations performed by the script:

   1. clone abe repo, and checks out array branch
   2. in a new directory, configures abe and builds aarch64-linux-gnu
      toolchain and generates a tarball
   3. examines build log and build dir to extract git revisions used in the 
   4. extracts tarball
   5. locates manifest file, and strips out the developer info section.
   6. in a new directory, configures abe and builds a toolchain using the
      stripped manifest file and generates a tarball
   7. examines build log and build dir to extract git revisions used in the 
   8. compares git revisions in the two builds
   9. extracts build commands from the log and postprocesses them to normalize
      build directory names and temporary identifiers using PIDs.
  10. compares these post-processed log files
  11. extracts tarball from 2nd build
  12. locates manifest file, and strips out the developer info section.
  13. compares stripped manifests of the two builds with different levels of

=== Explanation of tests

.     revisions diff

Tests the revisions used when building components which are stored in git.

Pass criteria: when building with a manifest, the same git revisions are used
for each component which is stored in git.

.     run lines diff

Extracts the 'RUN:' lines from the build log, ignoring those used in the
checkout phase of the build process.

Pass criteria: the same command lines are used in the manifest build as were
used when the original build was done.

.     references to build dir

checks that the stripped manifest does not contain references to the build

Pass criteria: the strings "/build/" or "/build2/" do not appear in the
stripped manifest file.

.     manifest diff

Compares the stripped manifest generated by the first build with the stripped
manifest generated by the second build.

Pass criteria (strict): the manifests are identical

Pass criteria (relaxed): the manifests contain the same lines, but the order
may be different

Pass criteria (super relaxed): the manifests contain the same lines, but the
order may be different, and lines may be duplicated

=== Log file contents

Where '1' appears in the filename, the file relates to a log generated from the
first build, which is used to create the manifest.

Where '2' appears in the filename, the file relates to a log generated from the
second build, which is done using the manifest created by the first build.

. full-manifest-test/files_1.txt
. full-manifest-test/files_2.txt

List of files in the tarball.

. full-manifest-test/files_diff.txt

Unified diff of the list of files.

. full-manifest-test/orig-manifest1.txt
. full-manifest-test/orig-manifest2.txt

The manifest output by each build, in unmodified form.

. full-manifest-test/relaxed_mani_diff.txt

Unified diff of sorted stripped manifest files.

. full-manifest-test/strict_mani_diff.txt

Unified diff of stripped manifest files.

. full-manifest-test/super_relaxed_mani_diff.txt

Unified diff of sorted, uniq'd stripped manifest files.

. full-manifest-test/results_summary.txt

Summary of results with PASSED/FAILED lines.

. full-manifest-test/revisions1.txt
. full-manifest-test/revisions2.txt

List of git revisions for components used in each build.

. full-manifest-test/revisions_diff.txt

Unified diff of revisions list.

. full-manifest-test/run_lines_1.txt
. full-manifest-test/run_lines_2.txt

List of RUN: lines which were logged during the build phase of abe build. These
are processed to normalise for expected differences in paths.

. full-manifest-test/run_lines_diff.txt

Unified diff of run_lines_[12].txt.

. full-manifest-test/stripped-manifest1.txt
. full-manifest-test/stripped-manifest2.txt

Manifests with 'developer info' section stripped out.