AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2016-10-05Move branch deletion functionality to GitRepodiana_picus/worktreeDiana Picus
2016-09-28Revert properlyDiana Picus
2016-09-23Revert "Test that the worktree is on a valid branch"Diana Picus
2016-09-23Add support for cleaning up worktreesDiana Picus
2016-09-23Test that the worktree is on a valid branchDiana Picus
2016-09-23Add commentDiana Picus
2016-09-22[Worktree] Be more conservative about vertical spaceDiana Picus
2016-09-22Validate that the input dir is actually a worktreeDiana Picus
2016-09-22[Worktree] Validate the input pathDiana Picus
2016-09-21Add test for multiple callsDiana Picus
2016-09-21Add tests for invalid clones and projsDiana Picus
2016-09-21Add test for worktree path with missing hopsDiana Picus
2016-09-21Don't allow relative worktree pathsDiana Picus
2016-09-21Don't allow empty worktree pathsDiana Picus
2016-09-21Don't create new worktrees in existing directoriesDiana Picus
2016-09-21Add factory method for creating worktreesDiana Picus
2016-09-20[Worktree] Make sure local branch is not NoneDiana Picus
2016-09-20Make sure assertions are reached in testsDiana Picus
2016-09-20Disallow tracked branch when local branch existsDiana Picus
2016-09-20Support creating worktrees from existing branchesDiana Picus
2016-09-20[Worktree] Validate branch namesDiana Picus
2016-09-20[Worktree] Make master the default parent branchDiana Picus
2016-09-20[Worktree] Reverse the tracked/local branch parametersDiana Picus
2016-09-20[Worktree] Catch attempts to track inexistent branchesDiana Picus
2016-09-20Add more worktree testsDiana Picus
2016-09-20Refactor existing worktree testDiana Picus
2016-09-19Add basic support for adding worktreesDiana Picus
2016-09-16Rename GitRepo::log's parameter to numcommitsDiana Picus
2016-09-16Attempt to fix copy-pasted codeDiana Picus
2016-09-15Fix testrn.pydiana_picus/formatDiana Picus
2016-09-15Run autopep8 with level 2 of --aggressiveDiana Picus
2016-09-15Run autopep8 on the first level of --aggressiveDiana Picus
2016-09-15Run autopep8 with default settingsDiana Picus
2016-09-06Reorder code so user is only asked once each iteration if they'd like to modi...Ryan S. Arnold
2016-09-02Move prompt for csv file out or into S. Arnold If jinja can't generate output, print exception and let user fix templ...Ryan S. Arnold Fix rn_template.log() invocation.Ryan S. Arnold
2016-09-02linaropy/ Validate that 'rcN' is an integer when creating series fr...Ryan S. Arnold
2016-08-20Move 'cd' context out of linaropy/git/ into linaropy/cd.pyRyan S. Arnold
2016-08-20Replaced Series __format__ with a cleaner implementation and testcases.Ryan S. Arnold
2016-08-20Correct test expectations and remove spurious print statements.Ryan S. Arnold
2016-08-20Add support for generating 'release' release notes using tags.Ryan S. Arnold
2016-08-19Add --nopersist to S. Arnold
2016-08-18Remove class PV and make Vendor and Package baseclasses.Ryan S. Arnold
2016-08-18Remove non-conformant comments and add docstrings to S. Arnold
2016-08-18Remove non-conformant comments and add docstrings to S. Arnold
2016-08-17Replace hardcoded GCC '5' with a variable for determining GCC Source README.t...Ryan S. Arnold
2016-08-17Re-organize python code to use a directory module layoutRyan S. Arnold
2016-08-10Generate release notes with python scripting.Ryan S. Arnold
2016-06-01Generate ChangeLog since revision instead of date.Yvan Roux