AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2024-04-12TF: Up heap to 15GHEADmasterBenjamin Copeland
2024-03-26rktools: add rootkit detection tools to atomKelley Spoon
2024-03-26x86-TF-07: drop host from playbookKelley Spoon
2024-03-26apache-site: install blocked referrers fileKelley Spoon
2024-03-26beats: remove elastalert infra from playbookKelley Spoon
2024-03-12apache-site: install blocked referrers fileKelley Spoon
2024-03-12cgit: Disable ability to zip reposBenjamin Copeland
2024-02-26gerrit: remove audit.config templateKelley Spoon
2024-02-26gerrit: fix typo in a-r.l.o configKelley Spoon
2024-02-26gerrit: add oom score adjustment to unit fileKelley Spoon
2024-02-23gerrit: add support for audit-sl4j to gerritKelley Spoon
2024-01-31jenkins-tf: drop TF-06 and TF-07Kelley Spoon
2024-01-14node_exporter: make scrape password optionalKelley Spoon
2024-01-13ssh: update known_hostsKelley Spoon
2024-01-13update aarch64-09 in ssh configKelley Spoon
2024-01-05aarch64-09: Update IP/Gitlab detailsBenjamin Copeland
2024-01-05Jenkins: Add d05 to known_hostsBenjamin Copeland
2023-12-14mirroring-gerrit: add github llvm/llvm-lnt repoKelley Spoon
2023-12-14hosts: remove retired hostsKelley Spoon
2023-12-13devboards: allow team android ssh and sudoKelley Spoon
2023-12-11mirror-gerrit: remove lhg-review mirror.confKelley Spoon
2023-12-08git-*: remove git-ie and git-apKelley Spoon
2023-11-28git.mlp.o: update bots and change git from symlinkKelley Spoon
2023-11-28postfix: disable vulnerable SSL and TLS versionsKelley Spoon
2023-11-20prometheus: update nodes grafana.l.o monitorsKelley Spoon
2023-11-20apache: centralize a list of bad user agentsKelley Spoon
2023-11-20apache: remove configs for sites we no longer haveKelley Spoon
2023-11-06Gerrit: Fix gitiles clone urlBenjamin Copeland
2023-10-25gerrit: remove limit settings in systemd unitKelley Spoon
2023-10-25gerrit: reverse logic for update_keys cronjobKelley Spoon enable user mentions in commentsKelley Spoon
2023-10-25devboards: add autosubmitter module to gerritKelley Spoon
2023-10-25devboards: enable git requests through sourceKelley Spoon
2023-10-24gerrit: attempt to fix too fast respawnKelley Spoon
2023-10-20x86-tf-06 and 07: add hosts to ssh/configKelley Spoon
2023-10-19docker-swarm-manager: reduce size of swarmKelley Spoon
2023-10-19aosp-x86-10: add in aosp-x86-10Kelley Spoon
2023-10-18aosp-x86-09: add serverKelley Spoon
2023-10-16devboards: restore gerrit configKelley Spoon
2023-10-09TF: Add new hostsBenjamin Copeland
2023-10-09Gerrit: DevboardsforandroidBenjamin Copeland use default gerrit versionKelley Spoon
2023-08-19TF Jenkins: move back to public imageKelley Spoon
2023-08-18devboardsforandroid: create initial configurationKelley Spoon
2023-08-18ssh/known_hosts: update host key for Spoon
2023-08-18jenkins: disable atomicfilewriter in productionKelley Spoon convert to use postfixKelley Spoon
2023-08-17pub-ie.ctt.l.o: add cert for the hostKelley Spoon
2023-08-15gerrit: remove postgres database configKelley Spoon
2023-08-11x86-TF-03 and 04: add fvp ECR sync script to cronKelley Spoon