path: root/bigtop-packages/src/common/ambari/ODPi/1.0/services/HIVE/package/scripts/hive_metastore.py
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'bigtop-packages/src/common/ambari/ODPi/1.0/services/HIVE/package/scripts/hive_metastore.py')
1 files changed, 259 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/bigtop-packages/src/common/ambari/ODPi/1.0/services/HIVE/package/scripts/hive_metastore.py b/bigtop-packages/src/common/ambari/ODPi/1.0/services/HIVE/package/scripts/hive_metastore.py
new file mode 100755
index 00000000..17bf581c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bigtop-packages/src/common/ambari/ODPi/1.0/services/HIVE/package/scripts/hive_metastore.py
@@ -0,0 +1,259 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
+distributed with this work for additional information
+regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
+to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+"License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+limitations under the License.
+import os
+from resource_management.core.logger import Logger
+from resource_management.core.resources.system import Execute, Directory
+from resource_management.libraries.script import Script
+from resource_management.libraries.functions import conf_select
+from resource_management.libraries.functions import stack_select
+from resource_management.libraries.functions.constants import Direction
+from resource_management.libraries.functions.format import format
+from resource_management.libraries.functions.version import format_stack_version
+from resource_management.libraries.functions import StackFeature
+from resource_management.libraries.functions.stack_features import check_stack_feature
+from resource_management.libraries.functions.security_commons import build_expectations
+from resource_management.libraries.functions.security_commons import cached_kinit_executor
+from resource_management.libraries.functions.security_commons import get_params_from_filesystem
+from resource_management.libraries.functions.security_commons import validate_security_config_properties
+from resource_management.libraries.functions.security_commons import FILE_TYPE_XML
+from resource_management.core.resources.system import File
+from hive import hive
+from hive import jdbc_connector
+from hive_service import hive_service
+from ambari_commons.os_family_impl import OsFamilyImpl
+from ambari_commons import OSConst
+# the legacy conf.server location in previous stack versions
+LEGACY_HIVE_SERVER_CONF = "/etc/hive/conf.server"
+class HiveMetastore(Script):
+ def install(self, env):
+ import params
+ self.install_packages(env)
+ def start(self, env, upgrade_type=None):
+ import params
+ env.set_params(params)
+ # writing configurations on start required for securtity
+ self.configure(env)
+ hive_service('metastore', action='start', upgrade_type=upgrade_type)
+ def stop(self, env, upgrade_type=None):
+ import params
+ env.set_params(params)
+ hive_service('metastore', action='stop', upgrade_type=upgrade_type)
+ def configure(self, env):
+ import params
+ env.set_params(params)
+ hive(name = 'metastore')
+class HiveMetastoreWindows(HiveMetastore):
+ def status(self, env):
+ import status_params
+ from resource_management.libraries.functions import check_windows_service_status
+ check_windows_service_status(status_params.hive_metastore_win_service_name)
+class HiveMetastoreDefault(HiveMetastore):
+ def get_component_name(self):
+ return "hive-metastore"
+ def status(self, env):
+ import status_params
+ from resource_management.libraries.functions import check_process_status
+ env.set_params(status_params)
+ pid_file = format("{hive_pid_dir}/{hive_metastore_pid}")
+ # Recursively check all existing gmetad pid files
+ check_process_status(pid_file)
+ def pre_upgrade_restart(self, env, upgrade_type=None):
+ Logger.info("Executing Metastore Stack Upgrade pre-restart")
+ import params
+ env.set_params(params)
+ is_upgrade = params.upgrade_direction == Direction.UPGRADE
+ if params.version and check_stack_feature(StackFeature.ROLLING_UPGRADE, params.version):
+ conf_select.select(params.stack_name, "hive", params.version)
+ stack_select.select("hive-metastore", params.version)
+ if is_upgrade and params.stack_version_formatted_major and \
+ check_stack_feature(StackFeature.HIVE_METASTORE_UPGRADE_SCHEMA, params.stack_version_formatted_major):
+ self.upgrade_schema(env)
+ def security_status(self, env):
+ import status_params
+ env.set_params(status_params)
+ if status_params.security_enabled:
+ props_value_check = {"hive.server2.authentication": "KERBEROS",
+ "hive.metastore.sasl.enabled": "true",
+ "hive.security.authorization.enabled": "true"}
+ props_empty_check = ["hive.metastore.kerberos.keytab.file",
+ "hive.metastore.kerberos.principal"]
+ props_read_check = ["hive.metastore.kerberos.keytab.file"]
+ hive_site_props = build_expectations('hive-site', props_value_check, props_empty_check,
+ props_read_check)
+ hive_expectations ={}
+ hive_expectations.update(hive_site_props)
+ security_params = get_params_from_filesystem(status_params.hive_conf_dir,
+ {'hive-site.xml': FILE_TYPE_XML})
+ result_issues = validate_security_config_properties(security_params, hive_expectations)
+ if not result_issues: # If all validations passed successfully
+ try:
+ # Double check the dict before calling execute
+ if 'hive-site' not in security_params \
+ or 'hive.metastore.kerberos.keytab.file' not in security_params['hive-site'] \
+ or 'hive.metastore.kerberos.principal' not in security_params['hive-site']:
+ self.put_structured_out({"securityState": "UNSECURED"})
+ self.put_structured_out({"securityIssuesFound": "Keytab file or principal are not set property."})
+ return
+ cached_kinit_executor(status_params.kinit_path_local,
+ status_params.hive_user,
+ security_params['hive-site']['hive.metastore.kerberos.keytab.file'],
+ security_params['hive-site']['hive.metastore.kerberos.principal'],
+ status_params.hostname,
+ status_params.tmp_dir)
+ self.put_structured_out({"securityState": "SECURED_KERBEROS"})
+ except Exception as e:
+ self.put_structured_out({"securityState": "ERROR"})
+ self.put_structured_out({"securityStateErrorInfo": str(e)})
+ else:
+ issues = []
+ for cf in result_issues:
+ issues.append("Configuration file %s did not pass the validation. Reason: %s" % (cf, result_issues[cf]))
+ self.put_structured_out({"securityIssuesFound": ". ".join(issues)})
+ self.put_structured_out({"securityState": "UNSECURED"})
+ else:
+ self.put_structured_out({"securityState": "UNSECURED"})
+ def upgrade_schema(self, env):
+ """
+ Executes the schema upgrade binary. This is its own function because it could
+ be called as a standalone task from the upgrade pack, but is safe to run it for each
+ metastore instance. The schema upgrade on an already upgraded metastore is a NOOP.
+ The metastore schema upgrade requires a database driver library for most
+ databases. During an upgrade, it's possible that the library is not present,
+ so this will also attempt to copy/download the appropriate driver.
+ This function will also ensure that configurations are written out to disk before running
+ since the new configs will most likely not yet exist on an upgrade.
+ Should not be invoked for a DOWNGRADE; Metastore only supports schema upgrades.
+ """
+ Logger.info("Upgrading Hive Metastore Schema")
+ import status_params
+ import params
+ env.set_params(params)
+ # ensure that configurations are written out before trying to upgrade the schema
+ # since the schematool needs configs and doesn't know how to use the hive conf override
+ self.configure(env)
+ if params.security_enabled:
+ cached_kinit_executor(status_params.kinit_path_local,
+ status_params.hive_user,
+ params.hive_metastore_keytab_path,
+ params.hive_metastore_principal,
+ status_params.hostname,
+ status_params.tmp_dir)
+ # ensure that the JDBC drive is present for the schema tool; if it's not
+ # present, then download it first
+ if params.hive_jdbc_driver in params.hive_jdbc_drivers_list:
+ target_directory = format("{stack_root}/{version}/hive/lib")
+ # download it if it does not exist
+ if not os.path.exists(params.source_jdbc_file):
+ jdbc_connector(params.hive_jdbc_target, params.hive_previous_jdbc_jar)
+ target_directory_and_filename = os.path.join(target_directory, os.path.basename(params.source_jdbc_file))
+ if params.sqla_db_used:
+ target_native_libs_directory = format("{target_directory}/native/lib64")
+ Execute(format("yes | {sudo} cp {jars_in_hive_lib} {target_directory}"))
+ Directory(target_native_libs_directory, create_parents = True)
+ Execute(format("yes | {sudo} cp {libs_in_hive_lib} {target_native_libs_directory}"))
+ Execute(format("{sudo} chown -R {hive_user}:{user_group} {hive_lib}/*"))
+ else:
+ # copy the JDBC driver from the older metastore location to the new location only
+ # if it does not already exist
+ if not os.path.exists(target_directory_and_filename):
+ Execute(('cp', params.source_jdbc_file, target_directory),
+ path=["/bin", "/usr/bin/"], sudo = True)
+ File(target_directory_and_filename, mode = 0644)
+ # build the schema tool command
+ binary = format("{hive_schematool_ver_bin}/schematool")
+ # the conf.server directory changed locations between stack versions
+ # since the configurations have not been written out yet during an upgrade
+ # we need to choose the original legacy location
+ schematool_hive_server_conf_dir = params.hive_server_conf_dir
+ if params.current_version is not None:
+ current_version = format_stack_version(params.current_version)
+ if not(check_stack_feature(StackFeature.CONFIG_VERSIONING, current_version)):
+ schematool_hive_server_conf_dir = LEGACY_HIVE_SERVER_CONF
+ env_dict = {
+ 'HIVE_CONF_DIR': schematool_hive_server_conf_dir
+ }
+ command = format("{binary} -dbType {hive_metastore_db_type} -upgradeSchema")
+ Execute(command, user=params.hive_user, tries=1, environment=env_dict, logoutput=True)
+ def get_log_folder(self):
+ import params
+ return params.hive_log_dir
+ def get_user(self):
+ import params
+ return params.hive_user
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+ HiveMetastore().execute()