AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2018-10-02List scope chain levels and their variables to the selected stack frame.variables_listRobert Sipka
2018-09-24Change Promise properties to internal properties (#2526)Daniel Balla
2018-09-24Fix '--skip-list' argument of the test runner script. (#2536)László Langó
2018-09-24Fix not checking errno after calling recv() (#2538)Daniel Balla
2018-09-20Increase the debugger version field size from 1 byte to 4 byte (#2513)Zoltan Herczeg
2018-09-20Add more `const`s to external magic strings to get data moved from .data to ....László Langó
2018-09-19Fix memory leak in the snapshot creation. (#2533)László Langó
2018-09-18Add soft assert handler to jerry-ext (#2516)Akos Kiss
2018-09-17Fix JERRY_CONTEXT (error_value) handling during ecma_builtin_promise_reject_a...Robert Fancsik
2018-09-17Send print output to debugger client from the port implementation (#2515)Akos Kiss
2018-09-17Fix LCache invalidation issue for native properties during GC. (#2530)Zoltan Herczeg
2018-09-17Fix ecma_op_function_list_lazy_property_names in case of arrow function (#2529)Robert Fancsik
2018-09-17Don't use `strlen` for string literals (#2517)Akos Kiss
2018-09-14Fix check-magic-strings.sh to return with non-zero if error happens (#2525)Tóth Béla
2018-09-14Remove bad assertion in ecma_builtin_json_str_helper (#2521)Peter Marki
2018-09-14Update regular expressions in gen-magic-strings.py (#2527)Tóth Béla
2018-09-13Remove the JERRY_GET_CURRENT_CONTEXT macro (#2512)Akos Kiss
2018-09-12Remove leading space from before `#if`s (#2523)Akos Kiss
2018-09-11targets: zephyr: Update for Zephyr 1.13 and SDK 0.9.3 (#2497)Paul Sokolovsky
2018-09-10Properly guard off LCache-related functionality (#2511)Akos Kiss
2018-09-06Fix ecma_op_object_put return value not being handled (#2514)Daniel Balla
2018-09-06Improve API of literal save and the snapshot (command line) tool (#2507)László Langó
2018-09-04Promote dynamic memory management from debugger transport to core API (#2503)Akos Kiss
2018-09-04Introducing internal properties. (#2485)Zoltan Herczeg
2018-09-04Merge instance into context (#2501)Akos Kiss
2018-09-04Implement the core of the map object. (#2447)Zoltan Herczeg
2018-09-04Fix UTF8 string length calculation (#2508)Daniel Balla
2018-09-04Fixup JMEM_HEAP_STAT_xxx definitions (#2509)Akos Kiss
2018-09-04Fix run-test-suite (#2505)Daniella Barsony
2018-09-03Fix constantness of 'jerry_merge_snapshots' function. (#2504)László Langó
2018-09-03Fix logging issues in the debugger. (#2483)Zoltan Herczeg
2018-09-03Clean up memory statistics printing functions (#2502)Akos Kiss
2018-08-31Fix ecma_builtin_promise_race_or_all function (#2491)Daniel Balla
2018-08-31Reorganize heap context related elements (#2500)Akos Kiss
2018-08-31Merge lcache into context (#2498)Akos Kiss
2018-08-30Remove character pointer typedefs (#2492)Akos Kiss
2018-08-30Added missing documentation of JerryScript instances to the API reference. (#...László Langó
2018-08-29Remove deprecated native handle support. (#2496)Zoltan Herczeg
2018-08-29Change `jerry_debugger_send_{output,log}` to take `const jerry_char_t *` (#2495)Akos Kiss
2018-08-29Move the 'init/fini arrays' build option to jerry-ext (#2493)Akos Kiss
2018-08-28Move some internal functions into JerryDebugger. (#2484)Zoltan Herczeg
2018-08-28Implement computed properties for object literals. (#2481)Zoltan Herczeg
2018-08-22Improve python debugger client. (#2441)Zoltan Herczeg
2018-08-22Add %TypedArray%.prototype.sort([ compareFunction ]) support. (#2437)Anthony Calandra
2018-08-21Align the RIOT target with the clang build of RIOT OS (#2477)Akos Kiss
2018-08-21Doctest debugger examples and fix revealed issues (#2475)Akos Kiss
2018-08-21Remove jerry-libc (#2332)Akos Kiss
2018-08-21Fix LLVM/clang conversion errors (#2473)Martine Lenders
2018-08-21Add a validation before evaluating the source code (#2480)Robert Fancsik
2018-08-21Fix syntax error when closing a block after a return statement (#2479)Marc Jessome