path: root/SRC/slasyf_rook.f
AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2013-11-17Update release number and datejulie
2012-12-12Updated comments in (s,d,c,z)lasy_rook.f and (c,z)lahe_rook.figor175
2012-10-30fixes to comments in *zlasyf_rook.figor175
2012-10-29fixes to comments in *lasyf_rook.figor175
2012-10-29fixes to comments in *lasyf_rook.figor175
2012-10-27removed extra characters after ZEROjames
2012-10-25fixes to comments in *lasyf_rook.f igor175
2012-10-25fixes to documentation in *lasyf.f, *lasyf_rook.f igor175
2012-04-13Update version numberjulie
2011-12-07fixed comments in dlasyf_rook.f and slasyf_rook.figor175
2011-12-07renamed DTEMP variable into STEMP in single precision routines ssytf2_rook.f ...igor175
2011-12-07added standard precision (REAL) routines for 'rook' pivoting algorithm for sy...igor175