path: root/arm.risu
AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2011-01-19Add rules for ARM USAT/SSAT/USAT16/SSAT16Peter Maydell
2011-01-05Add 32x32->32msb multiply patterns for ARM and Thumb.Peter Maydell
2011-01-05Add ARM patterns for various 32x32->64 multipliesPeter Maydell
2010-12-31Add patterns for basic fp add/sub/mul/div, and for VSQRTS.Peter Maydell
2010-12-08Add VQSHL and VQSHLU patterns for ARM.Peter Maydell
2010-12-07Add support for user-defined constraints on instructions.Peter Maydell
2010-12-07Add licensing/copyright boilerplate to license under EPLPeter Maydell
2010-11-08Add a comment about the status of the half-precision VCVT patterns.Peter Maydell
2010-10-22Clean up ARM pattern file and add a complete set of patterns for VCVT.Peter Maydell
2010-09-22Add actual instruction generation code.Peter Maydell
2010-09-22Add code to risugen to parse instruction encodings from a config file.Peter Maydell