BranchCommit messageAuthorAge
1.1.0-linaro1.1.0 + Mandeep Kumars work dated May 25th, part 2Tom Gall13 years
1.1.1-linaro add compile and assembler options for simd codeTom Gall13 years
1.1.1-linaro-androidMerge patches from Mans RullgardTom Gall13 years
1.2-beta-linaro-andoidPull in and lightly rework 565 and 8888 optimizations previously authored by ...Tom Gall12 years
androidMerge remote-tracking branch 'origin/1.2-beta-linaro-andoid' into androidTom Gall12 years
android-95ed21e84965f859da0792558742f9cbf9d4ac7aRemove config.h since it was conflicting with other AndroidTom Gall12 years
linaro-androidFix another merge error from the git rebaseTom Gall12 years
mastersync to as released debian control files and such for the packageTom Gall12 years
AgeCommit messageAuthor
2011-07-06 add compile and assembler options for simd code1.1.1-linaroTom Gall
2011-07-05forward port Mandeeps changes to 1.1.1 and cross build enablement by Michael ...Tom Gall
2011-07-051.1.1 from upstream at http://sourceforge.net/projects/libjpeg-turbo/Tom Gall
2011-07-05Initial commit based on 1.1.0 release fromTom Gall