path: root/tests/ut_mtapandholdrecognizer
AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2010-09-01Fixes: NB#164207 - long press in MLabelMichal Guminiak
2010-08-30New: styling of the pan, tap&hold and swipe recognizersMichal Guminiak
2010-08-27Changes: a few new unittests for recognizersMichal Guminiak
2010-07-16Changes: Tests: relative paths to ../../src in .pro files changed to $$MSRCDIRMiroslav Safr
2010-07-16Revert "Changes: Tests: relative paths to ../../src in .pro files changed to...Miroslav Safr
2010-07-16Changes: Tests: relative paths to ../../src in .pro files changed to $$MSRCDIRMiroslav Safr
2010-04-12Changes: Changed .gitignore files to ignore files starting with m instead of duiVesa Halttunen
2010-04-12Changes: Renamed dui to meegotouchTomas Junnonen