path: root/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to '')
1 files changed, 635 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/ b/
new file mode 100755
index 00000000..a0d4dfe2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/
@@ -0,0 +1,635 @@
+set -euf -o pipefail
+scripts=$(dirname $0)
+# shellcheck
+. $scripts/
+convert_args_to_variables "$@"
+obligatory_variables rr[top_artifacts] rr[update_baseline]
+declare -A rr
+if $rewrite_base_artifacts; then
+ obligatory_variables build_script
+ declare build_script
+# To enable rewrite:
+# - set rewrite_base_artifacts to true, and
+# - set rewrite_num to N+1 to rewrite N oldest revisions (0 for all)
+# To rewrite local base-artifacts (e.g., for testing of
+# or bmk-scripts):
+# 1. Increase rr[minor] or rr[major] in your local build script.
+# 2. Do a baseline build (to clone all repos and checkout dependencies of
+# ~/jenkins-scripts/ '%%rr[top_artifacts]' artifacts \
+# '==rr[ci_project]' CI_PROJECT '==rr[ci_config]' CI_CONFIG
+# 2a. If you know that you have all dependencies already present, then just
+# copy latest artifacts from base-artifacts's HEAD, and edit manifest
+# manually to increase rr[minor] or rr[major].
+# rsync -a --del --exclude /.git base-artifacts/ artifacts/
+# vi artifacts/
+# 3. Run this script with "__push_base_artifacts false",
+# "__commit_artifacts false" and "__rewrite_num 0".
+# ~/jenkins-scripts/ \
+# '@@rr[top_artifacts]' artifacts __build_script \
+# __push_base_artifacts false __commit_artifacts false \
+# __rewrite_base_artifacts true __rewrite_num 0
+# 4. Note that the above will not change upstream base-artifacts, but notify
+# logic may push to interesting commits and/or update jira cards.
+# The patch version represent the version of the generated notification files.
+# upgrading it will automatically enable the rewrite process bellow.
+if $verbose; then
+ set -x
+# Trim history of base-artifacts to keep repo size managable.
+trim_base_artifacts ()
+ (
+ set -euf -o pipefail
+ # - For the last 100 builds: keep everything
+ # - For the next 100 builds: keep essential artifacts
+ # -- NN-<step> directories are non-essential, the rest -- jenkins/,
+ # dashboard/, etc. -- are essential.
+ # - For the rest of the builds: keep only "update_baseline==force" builds
+ local old_commit
+ old_commit=$(git -C base-artifacts rev-parse --verify HEAD~100 \
+ 2>/dev/null || true)
+ if [ "$old_commit" = "" ]; then
+ return 0
+ fi
+ local head
+ head=$(git -C base-artifacts rev-parse HEAD)
+ # Remove step directories (start with a number) from $old_commit
+ # and older.
+ git -C base-artifacts checkout --detach $old_commit
+ git -C base-artifacts filter-repo --force \
+ --invert-paths --path-regex '^[0-9].*' \
+ --refs HEAD
+ local new_old_commit
+ new_old_commit=$(git -C base-artifacts rev-parse HEAD)
+ # Walk through even older history (starting with new_old_commit~100)
+ # and leave only commits that have update_baseline=={force,init}.
+ local child orig_parent new_parent
+ child=$(git -C base-artifacts rev-parse --verify HEAD~100 \
+ 2>/dev/null || true)
+ while [ "$child" != "" ]; do
+ git -C base-artifacts checkout --detach $child
+ orig_parent=$(git -C base-artifacts rev-parse --verify HEAD^ \
+ 2>/dev/null || true)
+ # Find new_parent -- commit that has update_baseline!=onsuccess.
+ new_parent=""
+ while true; do
+ new_parent=$(git -C base-artifacts rev-parse --verify HEAD^ \
+ 2>/dev/null || true)
+ if [ "$new_parent" = "" ]; then
+ break
+ fi
+ git -C base-artifacts checkout --detach $new_parent
+ local u_b
+ u_b=$(get_baseline_manifest "{rr[update_baseline]}")
+ if [ "$u_b" != "onsuccess" ]; then
+ break
+ fi
+ done
+ # Replace $orig_parent with $new_parent, and update new_old_commit.
+ if [ "$new_parent" != "$orig_parent" ]; then
+ # Note that if $new_parent is empty, then $child will become
+ # the root commit.
+ git -C base-artifacts replace --force --graft $child $new_parent
+ git -C base-artifacts checkout --detach $new_old_commit
+ git -C base-artifacts filter-repo --force --refs HEAD
+ git -C base-artifacts replace --delete $child
+ new_old_commit=$(git -C base-artifacts rev-parse HEAD)
+ fi
+ # Proceed to the next commit in history.
+ child="$new_parent"
+ done
+ git -C base-artifacts checkout --detach $head
+ # Reparent history on the new version of $old_commit.
+ if [ "$old_commit" != "$new_old_commit" ]; then
+ git -C base-artifacts replace --force $old_commit $new_old_commit
+ git -C base-artifacts filter-repo --force --refs HEAD
+ git -C base-artifacts replace --delete $old_commit
+ fi
+ )
+# Commit current result and artifacts to the baseline repository
+update_baseline ()
+ (
+ set -euf -o pipefail
+ # Rsync current artifacts. Make sure to use -I rsync option since
+ # quite often size and timestamp on artifacts/results will be the same
+ # as on base-artifacts/results due to "git reset --hard HEAD^" below.
+ # This caused rsync's "quick check" heuristic to skip "results" file.
+ # !!! From this point on, logs and other artifacts won't be included
+ # in base-artifacts.git repo (though they will be uploaded to jenkins).
+ rsync -aI --del --exclude /.git ${rr[top_artifacts]}/ base-artifacts/
+ local amend=""
+ if [ x"${rr[update_baseline]}" = x"init" ]; then
+ amend="--amend"
+ fi
+ local msg_title="${rr[update_baseline]}"
+ if [ x"${BUILD_URL+set}" = x"set" ]; then
+ # Add build number
+ msg_title="$msg_title: #$(basename "$BUILD_URL")"
+ fi
+ msg_title="$msg_title: $(grep -v "^#" ${rr[top_artifacts]}/results | tail -n1)"
+ msg_title="$msg_title: [TCWG CI] ${BUILD_URL-$(pwd)}"
+ git -C base-artifacts add .
+ git -C base-artifacts commit $amend -m "$msg_title
+Results :
+$(cat ${rr[top_artifacts]}/results | sed -e 's/^/ | /')
+check_regression status : ${rr[no_regression_result]}
+ )
+rewrite_single_revision ()
+ (
+ set -euf -o pipefail
+ local old_commit="$1"
+ local log_prefix="$2"
+ local orig_head
+ orig_head=$(git -C base-artifacts rev-parse HEAD)
+ # Return to $orig_head in case of an error.
+ # shellcheck disable=SC2064
+ trap "echo CLEANUP; git -C base-artifacts reset --hard $orig_head" EXIT
+ local -a fixup_opts=()
+ echo "Rewriting revision $old_commit :"
+ echo " $(git -C base-artifacts show --no-patch --oneline $old_commit)"
+ echo ""
+ # Verify that parent of $old_commit is reasonable:
+ # 1. it has;
+ # 2. TODO: maybe check that git_annex_download() succeeds for
+ # base-artifacts? Thinking about it, that should have been
+ # verified on the previous call of rewrite_single_revision()
+ # that processed the parent revision.
+ #
+ # At least in one case we had history starting with an empty commit, which
+ # wasn't ammended in update_baseline(). Scanning of history in
+ # rewrite_base_artifacts() ignored the empty commit because it had no
+ # file. The loop below can be used to remove unwanted weird
+ # commits from history.
+ local old_parent="$old_commit"
+ while true; do
+ old_parent=$(git -C base-artifacts rev-parse --verify "$old_parent^" \
+ 2>/dev/null || true)
+ if [ "$old_parent" = "" ]; then
+ # We reached beginning of history.
+ break
+ fi
+ git -C base-artifacts checkout --detach "$old_parent"
+ if ! [ -f base-artifacts/ ]; then
+ # Remove commits with no .
+ continue
+ fi
+ break
+ done
+ if [ "$old_parent" != "" ]; then
+ git_annex_download base-artifacts annex
+ else
+ # Initialize a new baseline when base-artifacts is empty.
+ fixup_opts+=("==rr[update_baseline]" init)
+ # FIXME: Move empty.git to bkp.tcwglab.
+ git -C base-artifacts fetch \
+ ssh://bkp.tcwglab/home/tcwg-buildslave/base-artifacts/empty.git \
+ refs/heads/empty
+ git -C base-artifacts checkout --detach FETCH_HEAD
+ fi
+ local old_artifacts="${rr[top_artifacts]}/99-rewrite/artifacts.old"
+ # Fetch artifacts/ of old build
+ rm -rf "$old_artifacts"
+ mkdir "$old_artifacts"
+ git -C base-artifacts archive "$old_commit" | tar x -C "$old_artifacts"
+ # FIXME: Remove workarounds for out-dated files:
+ # Remove .gitignore that ignores annex/bmk-data symlink.
+ rm -f "$old_artifacts/.gitignore"
+ # Remove results_id now that we use annex/bmk-data . Note that we have
+ # fetched the results pointed to by results_id in git_annex_download().
+ rm -f "$old_artifacts/results_id"
+ # Fetch old rr values before they are re-written
+ local old_manifest="$old_artifacts/"
+ local -A old
+ old[major]=$(get_manifest "$old_manifest" "{rr[major]-0}")
+ old[minor]=$(get_manifest "$old_manifest" "{rr[minor]-0}")
+ old[patch]=$(get_manifest "$old_manifest" "{rr[patch]-0}")
+ old[notify]=$(get_manifest "$old_manifest" "{notify-}")
+ old[update_baseline]=$(get_manifest "$old_manifest" \
+ "{rr[update_baseline]-}")
+ old[ci_project]=$(get_manifest "$old_manifest" "{rr[ci_project]-}")
+ old[ci_config]=$(get_manifest "$old_manifest" "{rr[ci_config]-}")
+ # downloading the annex, unless the user explicitely asked to skip
+ local res force_remove=false
+ if ! $skip_annex_downloads; then
+ git_annex_download "$old_artifacts" annex &
+ res=0 && wait $! || res=$?
+ if [ $res != 0 ]; then
+ # Something has happened to the annex'ed files. Remove the result.
+ force_remove=true
+ fi
+ fi
+ case "${old[major]}.${old[minor]}" in
+ "0."*)
+ # FIXME: Workaround old/renamed names of ci_project/ci_config.
+ # This is, mostly, for tcwg_bmk_tx1 and tcwg_bmk_tk1 projects.
+ if [ "${old[ci_project]}" != "${rr[ci_project]}" ]; then
+ fixup_opts+=("==rr[ci_project]" "${rr[ci_project]}")
+ fi
+ if [ "${old[ci_config]}" != "${rr[ci_config]}" ]; then
+ fixup_opts+=("==rr[ci_config]" "${rr[ci_config]}")
+ fi
+ # FIXME: Remove old result with no git/ information.
+ # We have switched to storing git information in artifacts/git/
+ # directory long time ago, so it doesn't worth the effort to
+ # workaround such cases. Just remove the result.
+ # Note that this will remove the result even when only minor
+ # (not major) version is increased.
+ if ! [ -d "$old_artifacts/git" ]; then
+ force_remove=true
+ fi
+ ;;
+ esac
+ res=0
+ # If major and minor are the same, it means that check_regression stage
+ # is already up-to-date. Only append the manifest with patch version
+ if [ "${rr[major]-0}.${rr[minor]-0}" == "${old[major]}.${old[minor]}" ]; then
+ echo "rr[patch]=${rr[patch]}" | manifest_out
+ else
+ # otherwise run the check_regression stage
+ $scripts/$build_script \
+ @@rr[top_artifacts] "$old_artifacts" __start_at check_regression \
+ "${fixup_opts[@]}" &
+ res=0 && wait $! || res=$?
+ fi
+ if [ $res != 0 ]; then
+ # check_regression() can fail for ${old[update_baseline]}=="onsuccess"
+ # builds, and, in rare cases for ${old[update_baseline]}=="force"
+ # builds. So far we have encountered a case when "forced" entry
+ # fails due to corrupted data, which we happened to accept in the past.
+ # In this case we get $EXTERNAL_FAIL as the exit code.
+ assert_with_msg "check_regression() failed on forced update_baseline" \
+ [ "${old[update_baseline]}" = "onsuccess" \
+ -o "$res" = "$EXTERNAL_FAIL" ]
+ if [ "${rr[major]-0}" -gt "${old[major]}" ]; then
+ # $build_script [somewhat expectedly] failed to process old results,
+ # so remove it from history.
+ # In this case $new_old_commit will be set to $old_commit's parent,
+ # so $old_commit will be removed from history.
+ force_remove=true
+ fi
+ fi
+ if $force_remove; then
+ res=1
+ fi
+ if [ $res = 0 ]; then
+ local -a notify_opts=()
+ case "${old[major]}.${old[minor]}" in
+ "0."*)
+ # FIXME: Workaround possible lack of "$notify" in v0.*
+ # manifests.
+ # Remove once there are no configurations with v0.0 manifests.
+ case "${old[notify]}":"${old[update_baseline]}" in
+ "":"force") notify_opts=(--notify onregression) ;;
+ "":*) notify_opts=(--notify ignore) ;;
+ esac
+ ;;
+ esac
+ $scripts/ \
+ @@rr[top_artifacts] "$old_artifacts" __post_mail false \
+ __post_jira_comment false "${notify_opts[@]}" \
+ __build_script "$build_script" \
+ __verbose "$verbose" &> "$log_prefix-notify.log"
+ (
+ unset rr
+ manifest_pop
+ declare -A rr
+ convert_args_to_variables @@rr[top_artifacts] "$old_artifacts"
+ update_baseline
+ local repo1="${rr[baseline_branch]#linaro-local/ci/}"
+ git_annex_upload base-artifacts annex \
+ "$repo1/$(basename "${BUILD_URL-0}")-"
+ )
+ git -C base-artifacts diff "$old_commit" "HEAD" -- \
+ &> "$log_prefix-manifest.diff"
+ git -C base-artifacts diff "$old_commit" "HEAD" -- notify/ \
+ &> "$log_prefix-notify.diff"
+ git -C base-artifacts diff --stat -p "$old_commit" "HEAD" -- \
+ ':(exclude)' ':(exclude)notify/' \
+ &> "$log_prefix-other.diff"
+ elif $force_remove; then
+ touch "$log_prefix.removed"
+ # Above "git_annex_download base-artifacts annex" may have changed
+ # files in base-artifacts/annex/ directory. Restore to prestine
+ # state to avoid failure in "git -C base-artifacts checkout" below.
+ git_clean base-artifacts
+ else
+ # $build_script [unexpectedly] failed to process old results,
+ # so fail and notify developers (by sending error-mail).
+ assert_with_msg "$build_script failed to process $old_commit" false
+ fi
+ local new_old_commit
+ new_old_commit=$(git -C base-artifacts rev-parse HEAD)
+ assert_with_msg "Rewritten commit did not change" \
+ [ "$old_commit" != "$new_old_commit" ]
+ # Reparent history on the new version of $old_commit.
+ trap "" EXIT
+ git -C base-artifacts checkout --detach $orig_head
+ git -C base-artifacts replace --force $old_commit $new_old_commit
+ git -C base-artifacts filter-repo --force --refs HEAD
+ git -C base-artifacts replace --delete $old_commit
+ )
+declare -g rewrite_base_artifacts_first=true
+# Update history of base-artifacts
+rewrite_base_artifacts ()
+ (
+ set -euf -o pipefail
+ set +x
+ local n_rev=0 total_revs=-1
+ # Fetch flaky tests from base-artifacts history.
+ local manifest history_root="" old_revision=""
+ local -A old
+ while read -r manifest; do
+ total_revs=$(($total_revs + 1))
+ if [ "$history_root" = "" ]; then
+ history_root="$manifest"
+ continue
+ elif [ "$old_revision" != "" ]; then
+ # Continue reading from get_git_history() to have it finish
+ # gracefully.
+ continue
+ fi
+ n_rev=$(($n_rev + 1))
+ old[major]=$(get_manifest "$manifest" "{rr[major]-0}")
+ old[minor]=$(get_manifest "$manifest" "{rr[minor]-0}")
+ old[patch]=$(get_manifest "$manifest" "{rr[patch]-0}")
+ assert_with_msg "rr[minor] should be less than 100" [ "${rr[minor]-0}" -lt 100 ]
+ assert_with_msg "rr[patch] should be less than 100" [ "${rr[patch]-0}" -lt 100 ]
+ if [ "$(( rr[major]*100*100 + rr[minor]*100 + rr[patch] ))" -gt \
+ "$(( old[major]*100*100 + old[minor]*100 + old[patch] ))" ]; then
+ # Found old entry to update;
+ # directory name of $manifest is the revision
+ old_revision=$(basename "$(dirname "$manifest")")
+ fi
+ done < <(get_git_history -0 base-artifacts
+ if $verbose; then
+ set -x
+ fi
+ rm -rf "$history_root"
+ if [ "$old_revision" = "" ]; then
+ return 0
+ fi
+ local rewrite_top="${rr[top_artifacts]}/99-rewrite"
+ if $rewrite_base_artifacts_first; then
+ change_tag="v${old[major]}.${old[minor]}.${old[patch]}_to_v${rr[major]-0}.${rr[minor]-0}.${rr[patch]-0}"
+ if [ "${BUILD_URL-}" != "" ]; then
+ change_tag="$change_tag-$(basename "$BUILD_URL")"
+ fi
+ local backup_branch
+ backup_branch=$(echo "${rr[baseline_branch]}" \
+ | sed -e "s#linaro-local/ci/#linaro-local/$change_tag/#")
+ if $push_base_artifacts; then
+ local repo="${rr[baseline_branch]#linaro-local/ci/}"
+ repo="ssh://bkp.tcwglab/home/tcwg-buildslave/base-artifacts/$repo.git"
+ git -C base-artifacts push --force \
+ "$repo" "HEAD:refs/heads/$backup_branch"
+ else
+ git -C base-artifacts branch --force "$backup_branch" HEAD
+ fi
+ rm -rf "$rewrite_top"
+ fi
+ local log_prefix="$rewrite_top/$rewrite_num-$n_rev-$total_revs"
+ mkdir -p "$(dirname "$log_prefix")"
+ echo -e "\n"" Rewriting: $(git -C base-artifacts show --no-patch --oneline $old_revision)""\n"
+ rewrite_single_revision "$old_revision" "$log_prefix" \
+ &> "$log_prefix-rewrite.log"
+ # Rescan base-artifacts again for another entry to update.
+ touch "$rewrite_top/more"
+ )
+# Push base-artifacts, or, maybe, skip.
+# The first push, which is outside of rewrite process, always happens.
+# Subsequent pushes may be skipped, if the previous push is still running.
+# This is an optimization to avoid re-pushing histories during rewrite,
+# which are only to be discarded moments later.
+declare -g push_baseline_pid=0
+declare -g push_baseline_skipped=0
+push_baseline ()
+ if [ "$push_baseline_pid" != "0" ]; then
+ if ! ps -p "$push_baseline_pid" >/dev/null; then
+ wait "$push_baseline_pid"
+ push_baseline_pid=0
+ fi
+ if [ "$push_baseline_pid" != "0" ]; then
+ push_baseline_skipped=$(($push_baseline_skipped + 1))
+ return 0
+ fi
+ fi
+ push_baseline_skipped=0
+ local repo1="${rr[baseline_branch]#linaro-local/ci/}"
+ repo="ssh://bkp.tcwglab/home/tcwg-buildslave/base-artifacts/$repo1.git"
+ (
+ set -euf -o pipefail
+ git_annex_upload base-artifacts annex "$repo1/$(basename "${BUILD_URL-0}")-"
+ if ! git ls-remote --heads "$repo" &>/dev/null; then
+ ssh bkp.tcwglab git init --bare \
+ "/home/tcwg-buildslave/base-artifacts/$repo1.git"
+ fi
+ )
+ git -C base-artifacts push --force \
+ "$repo" "HEAD:refs/heads/${rr[baseline_branch]}" &
+ push_baseline_pid=$!
+if $commit_artifacts; then
+ update_baseline
+# make sure base-artifact repository is clean to continue
+git -C base-artifacts reset --hard
+# Compute the maximum of revisions that we accept to remove. If we remove
+# more than we expected. This is suspicious, stop the rewriting process
+declare nb_revs nb_removed_revs
+nb_revs=$(git -C base-artifacts rev-list --count HEAD)
+nb_revs=$((nb_revs<rewrite_num ? nb_revs : rewrite_num))
+if [[ "$max_removed_revs" =~ .*% ]]; then
+ # If max_removed_revs is expressed in percentage of the total revisions
+ # convert max_removed_revs in term of number of revisions.
+ max_removed_revs=${max_removed_revs/\%/ / 100}
+ max_removed_revs=$((nb_revs * $max_removed_revs))
+while true; do
+ if $push_base_artifacts; then
+ if $rewrite_base_artifacts_first; then
+ # Trimming base-artifacts takes a lot of time on big histories,
+ # and it doesn't really do anything on repeat trimmings during
+ # history rewrite. Therefore, trim only on the first iteration
+ # of this loop.
+ trim_base_artifacts
+ fi
+ push_baseline
+ if $rewrite_base_artifacts_first; then
+ # We create a backup copy of the branch when rewriting the first
+ # revision. If we don't have the initial push done by that time
+ # it would start to push a duplicate copy of baseline, thus slowing
+ # the initial push. Therefore, wait for the initial push here.
+ wait "$push_baseline_pid"
+ push_baseline_pid=0
+ fi
+ fi
+ if $rewrite_base_artifacts; then
+ rewrite_num=$(($rewrite_num - 1))
+ if [ "$rewrite_num" = "0" ]; then
+ break
+ fi
+ rm -f "${rr[top_artifacts]}/99-rewrite/more"
+ rewrite_base_artifacts &
+ res=0 && wait $! || res=$?
+ rewrite_base_artifacts_first=false
+ if [ "$res" != "0" ]; then
+ echo "WARNING: failed rewriting base-artifacts"
+ if [ -d ${rr[top_artifacts]}/jenkins ]; then
+ echo "," \
+ > artifacts/jenkins/error-mail-recipients.txt
+ echo -e "${BUILD_URL-}\nWARNING: failed rewriting base-artifacts" \
+ >> artifacts/jenkins/error-mail-body.txt
+ fi
+ # If fail happens during a rewrite, we consider it as an internal_fail
+ fi
+ if [ -f "${rr[top_artifacts]}/99-rewrite/more" ]; then
+ nb_removed_revs="$(find ${rr[top_artifacts]}/99-rewrite/ -maxdepth 1 \
+ -name '*.removed' | wc -l)"
+ if [ "$nb_removed_revs" -gt "$max_removed_revs" ]; then
+ echo "WARNING: Too many revisions removed. Aborting."
+ if [ -d ${rr[top_artifacts]}/jenkins ]; then
+ echo "," \
+ > artifacts/jenkins/error-mail-recipients.txt
+ echo -e "${BUILD_URL-}\nWARNING: Too many revisions removed while "\
+ "rewriting base-artifacts" >> artifacts/jenkins/error-mail-body.txt
+ fi
+ # If fail happens during a rewrite, we consider it as an internal_fail
+ fi
+ # Push current version and search for another revision to update.
+ continue
+ fi
+ fi
+ break
+if [ "$push_baseline_pid" != "0" ]; then
+ wait "$push_baseline_pid"
+ push_baseline_pid=0
+ if [ "$push_baseline_skipped" != "0" ]; then
+ # Do the final push, which was previously skipped.
+ push_baseline
+ fi