path: root/yarn.lock
AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2018-05-30Remove react-select from kibana (#18876)Nathan Reese
2018-05-28Update markdown-it to 8.4.1 (#19470)Tim Roes
2018-05-25Update yarn.lock file to handle non-automated updated package.json (#19441)Justin Kambic
2018-05-24Check filename casing in CI (#19282)Spencer
2018-05-24[eslint-plugin-no-unsanitized] upgrade for `import()` support (#19315)Spencer
2018-05-24[APM] Upgrade to react-redux-request (#19338)Søren Louv-Jansen
2018-05-23[ts] put JSX support in root tsconfig file (#19359)Spencer
2018-05-22Add Notification Service (#19236)Chris Earle
2018-05-22[tslint] lint typescript code (#19105)Spencer
2018-05-22upgrade kibana to eui 0.0.49 (#19284)Nathan Reese
2018-05-22Upgrade `sinon` (v1.17.3 --> v5.0.7). (#19074)Aleh Zasypkin
2018-05-18[npm] downgrade mocha even further, to before #19022 (#19238)Spencer
2018-05-18[npm] downgrade mocha to not need https://github.com/mochajs/mocha/pull/3346 ...Spencer
2018-05-18[npm] upgrade mocha to include https://github.com/mochajs/mocha/pull/3346spalger
2018-05-18[typescript] add typescript support for the server and browser (#19104)Spencer
2018-05-16[mocha] remove grunt-simple-mocha (#19079)Spencer
2018-05-16upgrade to EUI 0.0.47 (#19099)Nathan Reese
2018-05-15upping ace version to the latest (#19067)Bill McConaghy
2018-05-15[Kuery] Remove Angular dependencies (#17836)Søren Louv-Jansen
2018-05-14Align x-pack and kibana devDeps (#19022)Søren Louv-Jansen
2018-05-14Update React to 16.3 (#18768)Tim Roes
2018-05-09Functional test setup with kbn-test package (#18568)archana
2018-05-05upgrade to eui 0.0.46 (#18827)Nathan Reese
2018-05-03[uiExports] migrate uiApp "uses" to explicit imports in apps (#17828)Spencer
2018-05-01Bump http-proxy-agent (#17840)Jonathan Budzenski
2018-04-27[vega] support HTML tooltips (#17632)Yuri Astrakhan
2018-04-27update to eui 0.0.44 (#18606)Nathan Reese
2018-04-26Bumped Vega lib version to 3.3.1 (#17829)Yuri Astrakhan
2018-04-24Migrate x-pack-kibana source to kibanaJenkins CI
2018-04-20Upgrade to Prettier 1.12.1 (#17791)Kim Joar Bekkelund
2018-04-18[yarn] upgrade jest and related packages (#17779)Spencer
2018-04-17Updating request to 2.85.0 (#17592)Brandon Kobel
2018-04-12bump angular to 1.6.9 (#17677)Court Ewing
2018-04-11[eslint-import-resolver-kibana] bring in repo as package (#17665)Spencer
2018-04-11[TSVB] Math Aggregation (two point oh) (#16965)Chris Cowan
2018-04-10Upgrade to TypeScript 2.8.1 (#17617)Kim Joar Bekkelund
2018-04-09Eui/38 (#17616)dave.snider@gmail.com
2018-04-06Added Vega interactive map support (#16512)Yuri Astrakhan
2018-04-06Bumped leadfoot to 1.7.5 now that it issue has been merged. (#17582)John Dorlus
2018-04-05[angular-recursion] use angular-recursion module from npm (#17584)Spencer
2018-04-04Add/generate/verify NOTICE.txt file (#17504)Spencer
2018-04-03update numeral-js dependency - elastic fork (#17508)Tim Sullivan
2018-04-02[yarn] update lockfilespalger
2018-03-30Update to EUI 0.0.37 and add proper open sans fonts for EUI's K6 theme (#17467)dave.snider@gmail.com
2018-03-28[yarn] update lockfilespalger
2018-03-28[npm] upgrade react-anything-sortable (#17217)Spencer
2018-03-28Add aria-label attributes to indexed fields table, and use EuiIconTip (#17427)Jen Huang
2018-03-26Specify widths on table columns to support long field names (#17344)Jen Huang
2018-03-21Create grunt task to generate parsers from peg files (#17069)Lukas Olson
2018-03-21bumped Vega dependencies to v-3.2.1 & vl-2.3.1 (#17314)Yuri Astrakhan