path: root/yarn.lock
AgeCommit message (Collapse)Author
2018-05-30Remove react-select from kibana (#18876)Nathan Reese
* remove react-select from AggSelect * update field_select to use EuiComboBox * metric_select * moving_average * percentile * series_agg * std_deviation * removing some more react-select instances * icon_select and group_by_select * gauge type * markdown * set isClearable prop * remove react-select from timeseries config * remove react-select from timeseries panel options * remove react select from terms * remove react-select from table config * remove react-select from data_format_picker * fix create_select_handler mocha test * remove react-select from kibana * update tsvb functional tests * set isDisabled prop on EuiComboBox where disabld prop was set for Select * use durationOutputOptions for duration 'to' options
2018-05-28Update markdown-it to 8.4.1 (#19470)Tim Roes
2018-05-25Update yarn.lock file to handle non-automated updated package.json (#19441)Justin Kambic
2018-05-24Check filename casing in CI (#19282)Spencer
* [dev/checkCasing] add script to find casing violations * [dev/casingCheck] fix es-ES.json violation
2018-05-24[eslint-plugin-no-unsanitized] upgrade for `import()` support (#19315)Spencer
2018-05-24[APM] Upgrade to react-redux-request (#19338)Søren Louv-Jansen
2018-05-23[ts] put JSX support in root tsconfig file (#19359)Spencer
2018-05-22Add Notification Service (#19236)Chris Earle
This adds a notification service to Kibana that can be used to send asynchronous notifications, such as sending email and Slack messages, which are intended to be configured via a combination of the `kibana.yml` and Kibana keystore. Once configured, the actions are automatically added to the notification service and can be invoked via the server using the `notificationService` singleton or HTTP to send it directly. See the included README for more details.
2018-05-22[tslint] lint typescript code (#19105)Spencer
* [tslint] lint typescript code * [tslint] filter projects when running specific project * [dev/ts] use more explicit types * [dev/ts] add note about why using glob * [dev/ts] rely on ts, use fewer getters
2018-05-22upgrade kibana to eui 0.0.49 (#19284)Nathan Reese
2018-05-22Upgrade `sinon` (v1.17.3 --> v5.0.7). (#19074)Aleh Zasypkin
2018-05-18[npm] downgrade mocha even further, to before #19022 (#19238)Spencer
2018-05-18[npm] downgrade mocha to not need https://github.com/mochajs/mocha/pull/3346 ↵Spencer
2018-05-18[npm] upgrade mocha to include https://github.com/mochajs/mocha/pull/3346spalger
2018-05-18[typescript] add typescript support for the server and browser (#19104)Spencer
* [typescript] add typescript support for the server and browser * [ts-jest] upgrade to latest version * [jest] support test.tsx files * [jest/ts] modify `ts-jest.tsConfigFile` config based on filePath * [types] use correct major version of minimatch types * [jest] add ts support to x-pack jest config * [ts/projects] fix tsconfig.json not found error message * [optimizer/ts] use lowercase jsx option * [tsconfig] remove ui/* alias * [plguin-helpers] remove mention of `buildSourcePatterns` * [plugin-helpers] expect typescript to be a devDep * [dev/build] place transpile tasks next to each other * [ts/x-pack] add common and server directories to ts project * [dev/ts/project] use a limited set of globs to find tsconfig files
2018-05-16[mocha] remove grunt-simple-mocha (#19079)Spencer
* [mocha] run tests with mocha script, remove grunt-simple-mocha * [ci] force colored output * [ci] disable color when reading the yarn bin * [dev/build/exec] support tooling log having its own chalk * [dev/mocha] avoid changing the cwd of the process * [dev/mocha] only match files, speed up negative matches * [cli/serve/test] strip ansi control characters from logs * [ci] disable color in all `yarn bin` invocations * [dev/mocha] cleanup old runInBand check * [dev/mocha] enable gloabl leak checks
2018-05-16upgrade to EUI 0.0.47 (#19099)Nathan Reese
2018-05-15upping ace version to the latest (#19067)Bill McConaghy
2018-05-15[Kuery] Remove Angular dependencies (#17836)Søren Louv-Jansen
* [kuery] Remove `byName` dependency * Remove $http from kuery * Fix test * Add request headers * Replace byName with getFieldByName; add isFilterable * Replace Angular mock with static mock * Update index pattern for query bar * manually attach format.convert method to field * Use KBN_FIELD_TYPES to determine isFilterable * Bump yarn.lock file * Add kfetch (Kibana fetch) * Moved `getFromLegacyIndexPattern` to static index pattern functions * Fix tests * Mock out kfetch * Move value formatting from getRangeScript to buildRangeFilter * Remove getFieldByName (over abstraction) * Split kfetch options into two
2018-05-14Align x-pack and kibana devDeps (#19022)Søren Louv-Jansen
* Align Node deps * Added grunt task * Update name
2018-05-14Update React to 16.3 (#18768)Tim Roes
* Update React to 16.3 * Switch off specific eslint rules * Update enzyme snapshots * Incorporate PR feedback
2018-05-09Functional test setup with kbn-test package (#18568)archana
Restructure testing with kbn-test package - Run with multiple configs, move cli options to config - Package-ify kbn-test - Eventually we'll have functional_test_runner live in a package of its own, and then this kbn-test will use that as a dependency, probably still as a devDependency. - Implement functional_tests_server - Collapse single and multiple config apis into one command Use kbn-es Replace es_test_cluster + es_test_config with kbn/test utils Implement new createEsTestCluster Improve scripts, jsdocs, cli top-level tools Lift error handling to the top level
2018-05-05upgrade to eui 0.0.46 (#18827)Nathan Reese
* upgrade to eui 0.0.46 * update logoElasticsearch * update x-pack jest snapshots
2018-05-03[uiExports] migrate uiApp "uses" to explicit imports in apps (#17828)Spencer
* [uiExports] migrate uiApp "uses" to explicit imports in apps * [uiApp] update tests for getModules() method * [optimize/uiExports] improve naming and comments * [uiExports] sort imports so they load in the same order as before * [testHarness] load hacks when testing in the browser * [x-pack/uiExports] use new uiExports modules * [testHarness] describe why we import uiExports/hacks * [optimize] remove needless [].concat() * [optimize/createUiExportsModule] string.includes > string.indexOf * [uiExports/createUiExportsModule] remove needless capture of module exports
2018-05-01Bump http-proxy-agent (#17840)Jonathan Budzenski
2018-04-27[vega] support HTML tooltips (#17632)Yuri Astrakhan
Implement support for the richer style Vega tooltips, per https://github.com/elastic/kibana/issues/17215 request. Uses [Vega tooltip plugin](https://github.com/vega/vega-tooltip) for formatting. Always enabled unless user sets `tooltips=false` flag in the `config.kibana` section of the spec. ![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/1641515/39344487-7abc9eb0-49eb-11e8-89dd-bf562563ae1c.png) ## Test code ```js { $schema: https://vega.github.io/schema/vega/v3.json config: { kibana: { tooltips: { // always center on the mark, not mouse x,y centerOnMark: true position: top padding: 20 } } } data: [ { name: table values: [ { title: This is a long title fieldA: value of fld1 fld2: 42 } ] } ] marks: [ { from: {data: "table"} type: rect encode: { enter: { fill: {value: "#060"} x: {signal: "40"} y: {signal: "40"} width: {signal: "40"} height: {signal: "40"} tooltip: {signal: "datum || null"} } } } ] } ```
2018-04-27update to eui 0.0.44 (#18606)Nathan Reese
* update to eui 0.0.44 * keep eui dependency in x-pack * wrap EuiBasic table column in span to avoid className prop from getting overridden * remove brittle functional tests that are no longer needed with EUI components * filter field list instead of chaning table size * update x-pack snapshots
2018-04-26Bumped Vega lib version to 3.3.1 (#17829)Yuri Astrakhan
Turns out there is a significant problem with how Vega library manages its dependencies. Instead of using a fairly common "^1.2.3" form, it used "1" (major only) almost everywhere. While this works fine if node_modules and yarn.lock are deleted and rebuilt, bumping Vega lib's primary version in our package.json and using yarn install would not touch other subcomponents. This resulted in several 6.2 and 6.3 shipping with the outdated vega dependencies while we thought that we included the latest vega versions The problem has been reported vega/vega#1259 and will hopefully be solved with the next version. In the mean time, this patch updates all vega-related dependencies in the yarn.lock file.
2018-04-24Migrate x-pack-kibana source to kibanaJenkins CI
2018-04-20Upgrade to Prettier 1.12.1 (#17791)Kim Joar Bekkelund
* Upgrade to Prettier 1.12.1 * Add back dev dep
2018-04-18[yarn] upgrade jest and related packages (#17779)Spencer
2018-04-17Updating request to 2.85.0 (#17592)Brandon Kobel
* Updating request to 2.85.0 * Adding the caret * updating the yarn.lock
2018-04-12bump angular to 1.6.9 (#17677)Court Ewing
2018-04-11[eslint-import-resolver-kibana] bring in repo as package (#17665)Spencer
* [eslint-import-resolver-kibana] bring in repo as package * [eslint-import-resolver] enable prettier
2018-04-11[TSVB] Math Aggregation (two point oh) (#16965)Chris Cowan
* Revert "Remove MathJS Feature (#15652)" This reverts commit 43bf1dbf4a258ae4453d9da2c18019e22a8b9070. * replacing math with tinymath * pining version * updating yarn.lock * Fixing Prettier mis formatting * fixing tests * Adding unsupported agg back * Adding functional test for math aggregation - Fixing bad tests - Resetting page for every test suite (why donesn't beforeEach work?) - Adding test for Math agg * Trying to fix values (due to inconsistencies in env)
2018-04-10Upgrade to TypeScript 2.8.1 (#17617)Kim Joar Bekkelund
2018-04-09Eui/38 (#17616)dave.snider@gmail.com
Bumped up the EUI version to 0.0.38
2018-04-06Added Vega interactive map support (#16512)Yuri Astrakhan
Implements https://github.com/elastic/kibana/issues/15842 * Added Vega interactive map support * Support vega-lite maps * handle VL-injected width/height/padding/autosize * clarified min/max zoom limits * moved kibana_map to ui/vis/map, doc fixes * bumped leaflet-vega dep
2018-04-06Bumped leadfoot to 1.7.5 now that it issue has been merged. (#17582)John Dorlus
2018-04-05[angular-recursion] use angular-recursion module from npm (#17584)Spencer
2018-04-04Add/generate/verify NOTICE.txt file (#17504)Spencer
* [dev/notice] add scripts for generating NOTICE.txt file * [notice] react-resize-detector@0.6.0 was removed in b445389b7960a53c38cc58ffa73c084243f4ce0a * [notice] move notice text into relevant source * [dev/notice] Generate NOTICE.txt file * [jenkins] verify that notice.txt is up to date in CI * [tasks/notice] update test to use new NOTICE.txt file * [dev/notice] update company name in NOTICE.txt * [notice/cli] exit with 0 when --help requested * [notice/cli] add helpful logging * [notice/cli] use --validate flag name instead * [notice/cli] simplify NEWLINE_RE, ignore obscure line endings * [utils/decode_geo_hash] fixup comment * [utils/decode_geo_hash] remove useless comment
2018-04-03update numeral-js dependency - elastic fork (#17508)Tim Sullivan
2018-04-02[yarn] update lockfilespalger
2018-03-30Update to EUI 0.0.37 and add proper open sans fonts for EUI's K6 theme (#17467)dave.snider@gmail.com
* update open sans fonts, fix chrome to work with eui k6 theme * update to eui 0.0.37 * update snapshots
2018-03-28[yarn] update lockfilespalger
2018-03-28[npm] upgrade react-anything-sortable (#17217)Spencer
Now that https://github.com/jasonslyvia/react-anything-sortable/pull/93 is merged and released we can upgrade our version and get rid of the incompatibility warning
2018-03-28Add aria-label attributes to indexed fields table, and use EuiIconTip (#17427)Jen Huang
* Add aria-label attributes to indexed fields table, and use EuiIconTip * Use EUI 0.0.35 * Add `Apache License, Version 2.0` to list
2018-03-26Specify widths on table columns to support long field names (#17344)Jen Huang
* Specify widths on table columns to support long field names
2018-03-21Create grunt task to generate parsers from peg files (#17069)Lukas Olson
* Create grunt task to generate parsers from peg files * Leave comment * Move grunt config to config/
2018-03-21bumped Vega dependencies to v-3.2.1 & vl-2.3.1 (#17314)Yuri Astrakhan