path: root/distribution/pom.xml
AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2019-03-14DRILL-7075: Fix debian package issue with control filesNaresh Bhat
2019-03-02DRILL-7070: Fix deb and rpm issues on apache drill master branchNaresh Bhat
2019-02-22DRILL-6582: SYSLOG (RFC-5424) Format PluginCharles S. Givre
2018-12-24[maven-release-plugin] prepare for next development iterationVitalii Diravka
2018-12-24[maven-release-plugin] prepare release drill-1.15.0Vitalii Diravka
2018-12-06DRILL-6751: Upgrade Apache parent POM to version 21Vitalii Diravka
2018-09-14DRILL-3853: Upgrade to SqlLine 1.5.0Arina Ielchiieva
2018-07-31DRILL-6634: Add udf module under contrib directory and move some udfs into itArina Ielchiieva
2018-07-25[maven-release-plugin] prepare for next development iterationBen-Zvi
2018-07-25[maven-release-plugin] prepare release drill-1.14.0Ben-Zvi
2018-07-12DRILL-6346: Create an Official Drill Docker ContainerAbhishek Girish
2018-04-17DRILL-6320: Fixed license headers.Drill Dev
2018-03-20DRILL-6145: Implement Hive MapR-DB JSON handlerVitalii Diravka
2018-03-14Update version to 1.14.0-SNAPSHOTParth Chandra
2018-03-04DRILL-1170: YARN integration for DrillPaul Rogers
2017-12-15Update version to 1.13.0-SNAPSHOTArina Ielchiieva
2017-11-28DRILL-4779: Kafka storage plugin (Kamesh Bhallamudi & Anil Kumar Batchu)Anil Kumar Batchu
2017-11-13DRILL-5337: OpenTSDB storage pluginVlad Storona
2017-10-11DRILL-5431: SSL Support (Java) - Java client server SSL implementationParth Chandra
2017-10-11DRILL-5431: Update POM to upgrade to Netty 4.0.48 and add exclusions to all m...Parth Chandra
2017-09-14DRILL-5712: Update the pom files with dependency exclusions for commons-codecSindhuri Rayavaram
2017-07-30Update version to 1.12.0-SNAPSHOTArina Ielchiieva
2017-03-14Update version to 1.11.0-SNAPSHOTJinfeng Ni
2016-11-29Update version to 1.10.0-SNAPSHOTSudheesh Katkam
2016-09-11DRILL-4886: Modifying projects POMs to align with Drill's build and distribut...Aditya Kishore
2016-08-30Update version to 1.9.0-SNAPSHOT.Jinfeng Ni
2016-06-28Update version to 1.8.0-SNAPSHOT.Aman Sinha
2016-03-10Update version to 1.7.0-SNAPSHOTParth Chandra
2016-03-09DRILL-4493 - Fixed issues in various POMs with MapR profileAditya Kishore
2016-03-08DRILL-4485 - MapR profile - switch to MapR 5.1.0, and improve compatibility w...Patrick Wong
2016-02-19Update version to 1.6.0-SNAPSHOTJason Altekruse
2016-02-05DRILL-4362: Exclude log4j for hbase dependency under mapr profileSudheesh Katkam
2016-01-10DRILL-4241: Add Single Tablet WriterJacques Nadeau
2015-12-21DRILL-4134: Allocator ImprovementsJacques Nadeau
2015-12-08Roll forward to 1.5.0-SNAPSHOTvkorukanti
2015-11-25DRILL-4063: Add s3a dependency jars and example core-site.xmlAbhi P
2015-11-12Roll forward to 1.4.0-SNAPSHOTJacques Nadeau
2015-11-12DRILL-3987: (CLEANUP) Final cleanups to get complete working build/distributionJacques Nadeau
2015-11-06DRILL-4042: Unable to run sqlline in embedded mode on WindowsPatrick Wong
2015-10-26DRILL-3914: Gis contrib module with basic spatial queries functionalitypotocki
2015-10-19move version to 1.3.0-SNAPSHOTadeneche
2015-09-13DRILL-3589: Update JDBC driver to shade and minimize dependencies.Jacques Nadeau
2015-07-05Roll forward to 1.2.0-SNAPSHOT development versionsJacques Nadeau
2015-06-23DRILL-3320: Do away with "rebuffing" Drill jarAditya Kishore
2015-05-19Roll forward to 1.1.0-SNAPSHOT versionJacques Nadeau
2015-05-03Updating to version 1.0.0-SNAPSHOTAditya Kishore
2015-03-26Update to version 0.9.0-SNAPSHOTJacques Nadeau
2015-03-18DRILL-2497: Remove reference to drill-interpreter in buildPatrick Wong
2015-02-23DRILL-1733 - Include Hadoop winutils in Drill distributionPatrick Wong
2015-01-28DRILL-2090: Update HBase storage plugin to support HBase 0.98Aditya Kishore